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Updated: August 13, 2024

No, no; it is just your way; you want to crow over me; you detest philosophy I cannot tell why and poke fun at philosophers. Ly.

It rejoiceth all mankind to behold in the sky the innumerable multitude of glittering Stars: but it is a far surpassinger Pleasure, that the new married Couple receive, when they see vast heaps of Silver and Gold ly dazling their eys, and they Lording over it.

Her. Thank you, Lycinus; that is a much better hearing; there is more than a glimpse of hope in that. We must surely look for a man of that sort, to give us discernment, judgement, and, above all, the power of demonstration; then all will be easy and clear, and not too long. I am grateful to you already for thinking of this short and excellent plan. Ly. Ah, no, I cannot fairly claim gratitude yet.

Following the example of the recorder, each guest capped his neighbor's joke with another: Du Bousquier was a father, but not a confessor; he was father less; he was father LY; he was not a reverend father; nor yet a conscript-father "Nor can he be a foster-father," said the Abbe de Sponde, with a gravity which stopped the laughter. "Nor a noble father," added the chevalier.

English words crave spaces between them, they do not like to huddle in clusters of slightly divergent centers of meaning, each edging a little away from the rest. Similarly, unable can hold its own against able because it destroys the latter's sphere of influence; unable is psychologically as distinct from able as is blundering or stupid. It is different with adverbs in -ly.

But now you apprehend, to your great joy and comfort, that this arrow comes out of the Quiver of such as are indebted to every body, and suffer themselves daily to be durrid; who are continually pratling with the Neighbors, and gadding along the streets; they take notice of every dore that opens, and neglect their own houskeeping having no understanding to govern it; the dishes, pots and pans are alwaies standing in the middle of the flore; and Benches and Stools are all covered and ly filled with the Childrens dirty clouts, and the Windows are so thick with dirt, that the Sun can hardly shine through them.

The wind continued to blow hard from the West but not so strong as to compel us to ly by. Capt. Clark walked on shore and killed an Elk which he caused to be butched by the time I arrived with the party, here we halted and dined being about 12 OCk. our usual time of halting for that purpose. after dinner Capt.

Ah, but Hesiod, your own authority, tells us, Well begun is half done; so we may safely call you half-way by this time. Her. Not even there yet; that would indeed have been much. Ly. Where shall we put you, then? Her. Still on the lower slopes, just making an effort to get on; but it is slippery and rough, and needs a helping hand. Ly.

I have not discovered or revealed anything that will bring you nearer your hope; on the contrary, we are further off than ever; it is a case of much cry and little wool. Her. Bird of ill omen, pessimist, explain yourself. Ly.

Can you ask? The Lemnian Athene, which bears the artist's own signature; oh, and of course the Amazon leaning on her spear. Ly. I approve your judgement. We shall have no need of other artists: I am now to cull from each of these its own peculiar beauty, and combine all in a single portrait. Poly. And how are you going to do that? Ly. It is quite simple.

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