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If there be one instinct that lurks in a woman's breast, ready to spring up when touched, and bloom into all sorts of beautiful and happy feelings, it is the sense of home of pleasant domestic sway and domestic comfort the looking forward to "a house of one's own."

But far beyond the beauty of her mysterious halls was the glorious prospect which lay before the eyes of the Confederate sentries. Glimmering aisles and dark recesses, where no sunbeam lurks nor summer wind whispers, compared but ill with those fruitful valleys, watered by clear brown rivers, and steeped in the glow of a Virginian June.

If history can teach us anything, the state built on martial virtues be it a city like Sparta or an Empire like Rome can never make on earth a "continuing city." Universal and natural as is the fighting instinct in man, fruitful as it has proved to be of noble sentiments and manly virtues, it does not comprehend the whole man. Beneath the instinct to fight there lurks a diviner instinct to love.

DON MANUEL. Away! Let no man follow. What means my brother? Speak ISABELLA. In wonder lost I gaze; some mystery lurks DON CAESAR. Thou mark'st, my mother, My quick return; with eager zeal I flew At thy command, nor asked one trace to guide My footsteps to thy daughter. Whence was torn Thy treasure? Say, what cloistered solitude Enshrined the beauteous maid? ISABELLA. 'Tis consecrate To St.

Beautiful and masterful though the Bargello is, it smells too strongly of restoration, and, much of old Italy as still lurks in its furbished and renovated chambers, it speaks even more distinctly of the ill-mannered young kingdom that has as "unavoidably" as you please lifted down a hundred delicate works of sculpture from the convent-walls where their pious authors placed them.

A woman has a faculty about such things which corresponds to scent in the terrier; the little mystery is there the small rodent lurks behind the wainscot; she is consumed with a desire to get at it to worry its life out; and if it refuse to leave its hiding-place she cannot rest and be satisfied.

For deep down in our hearts lurks the belief that, as Jerome wittily puts it, "God created the world to give the literary man something to write about!" A novel, like a metaphor, proves nothing: 't is merely a vivid pictorial presentation of a single case.

It was always so immeasurably long ago that the sweet party happened if indeed it happened. It had so long taken its place in that past wherein lurks all the antiquity of the world. No one would know, no one could tell him, precisely what occurred. And who can know whether if it be indeed a dream he has dreamt it often, or has dreamt once that he had dreamt it often?

A few old settlers declared the vessel to be the Half Moon, and there were some who testified to seeing that identical ship with Hudson and his spectre crew on board making for the Catskills to hold carouse. This fleeting vision has been confounded with the storm ship that lurks about the foot of the Palisades and Point-no-Point, cruising through Tappan Zee at night when a gale is coming up.

He doubtless realized that he was in the presence of one of those men whose success in life, together with the possession of grand-parents, causes them to regard themselves as endowed with the combined wisdom of the law and the prophets. I am quite sure that he also detected the big fund of common sense which lurks in the keen grey eyes under Daddy's bushy eye-brows.