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"You're too tall for Lollo, I think," said Jackanapes, measuring his grandfather with his eye. "I can double up my legs, I suppose. We'll have a look at him to-morrow." "Don't you weigh a good deal?" asked Jackanapes. "Chiefly waistcoats," said the General, slapping the breast of his military frock-coat. "We'll have the little racer on the Green the first thing in the morning.

I couldn't insult dear Lollo, but if you don't care Whilst I live which will be longer than I desire or deserve Lollo shall want nothing, but you. I have too little tenderness for my dear boy, you're faint. Can you spare me for a moment?" "No, stay Major!" "What? What?" "My head drifts so if you wouldn't mind." "Yes! Yes!" "Say a prayer by me. Out loud please, I am getting deaf."

Lollo had no great compassion for the prisoners, but being conscious of an excellent knife which was his unfailing companion, it had seemed to him from the first that to jump forward, cut a rope, and leap back again before the soldier who held it could use his weapon, would be an amusing and dexterous piece of mischief.

When Tony became aware of it, several things came into his head. 1. That the dangers of their ride for life were now more than doubled. 2. That if Jackanapes and Lollo were not burdened with him they would undoubtedly escape. 3. That Jackanapes' life was infinitely valuable, and his Tony's was not. 4.

Away went the geese, the cocks, the hens, and the whole family of Johnson. Lucy clung to her mamma, Jane saved Emily by the gathers of her gown, and Tony saved himself by a somersault. The Grey Goose was just returning when Jackanapes and Lollo rode back, Spitfire panting behind. "Good, my little gentleman, good!" said the Gipsy. "You were born to the saddle.

"You're too tall for Lollo, I think," said Jackanapes, measuring his grandfather with his eye. "I can double up my legs, I suppose. We'll have a look at him to-morrow." "Don't you weigh a good deal?" asked Jackanapes. "Chiefly waistcoats," said the General, slapping the breast of his military frock-coat. "We'll have the little racer on the Green the first thing in the morning.

And now, when the people began to hoot and jostle more vigorously, Lollo felt that his moment was come he was close to the eldest prisoner: in an instant he had cut the cord. "Run, old one!" he piped in the prisoner's ear, as soon as the cord was in two; and himself set the example of running as if he were helped along with wings, like a scared fowl.

And I'm sure most people seem to think that if you've a large family you don't know one from another any more than they do, and that a lot of children are like a lot of store-apples, if one's taken it won't be missed." Lollo the first Lollo, the Gipsy's Lollo very aged, draws Miss Jessamine's bath-chair slowly up and down the Goose Green in the sunshine.

That this if he could seize it was the supremest of all the moments in which he had tried to assume the virtues which Jackanapes had by nature; and that if he could be courageous and unselfish now He caught at his own reins and spoke very loud "Jackanapes! It won't do. You and Lollo must go on. Tell the fellows I gave you back to them, with all my heart. Jackanapes, if you love me, leave me!"

At the first opportunity Jackanapes stole away again to the common. This time he saw the Gipsy-father, smoking a dirty pipe. "Lollo is your pony, isn't he?" said Jackanapes. "Yes." "He's a very nice one." "He's a racer." "You don't want to sell him, do you?" "Fifteen pounds," said the Gipsy-father; and Jackanapes sighed and went home again.