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Dolman, seating herself on the edge of the bed and gazing very sternly at the little fellow. "I intend to wring a confession out of you." "What's to wring?" asked Orion. "I am going to get you to tell me where you got the lollipops and ginger-beer." "I promised not to tell, and I aren't going to," answered Orion. "But you must. I insist." "Perhaps, Aunt Jane," said Iris, "I could get him to tell.

The carriage passed; stones, hoops, and lollipops resumed their circulation, and by five o'clock in the afternoon the news of Chandrapál's arrival was waiting for the returning labourer in every cottage in Deadborough. That night I repaired to the Nag's Head, for I knew that the arrival would have a favourable effect on the size of the "house."

"Pooh, pooh! feeds you with bread and milk, and lollipops; and as to being too young why, you are not much more than a year younger than I am, and fully as stout, and I should like to know who would venture to say that I am not fit to go to sea. I would soon show him which was the best man of the two." These remarks, for I will not call them reasons, had a great effect on me.

"I'll tell you what, Joey, I've had enough of wolves for all my life," said McShane; "and Joey, my boy, you're a good shot in the first place, and a brave little fellow in the next; here's a handful of roubles, as they call them, for you to buy lollipops with, but I don't think you'll find a shop that sells them hereabouts.

What a contrast the lady behind must find in his gawkiness compared with the correct and composed deportment of the Capital she had come from! He must be the rustic indeed to her, handling lollipops yet like a child, and tumbling books in a child's confusion.

The treasures of the American bonbonnière are said to be richer and more varied than in any other country. Paris gets up her delicacies of this kind in more tasteful and tempting style, but our consumers care little for such superficial vanities. They look for solid qualities in everything even in their lollipops.

"At any rate," thought Durtal, "if this street has no distinction, it is very private; here at least one need not admire the impertinent decoration of those modern shops which expose in their windows as precious commodities, chosen piles of firewood, and in glass sweetmeat jars, coal drops and coke lollipops."

She stopped to look in a shop window, and when she turned, there at her elbow stood the man in blue overalls. "Wait a minute," he said, in a strained, muffled voice, as she started to walk on. "Do you want news of your uncle?" "Of course I do," she answered in surprise. "I can give you news. Walk this afternoon to the bridge beyond the shop where you buy lollipops. Tell no one what I say. No one.

Blackwood's Magazine called same of the lyrics "drivel," and Carlyle characterized the aesthetic verse as "lollipops." This adverse criticism and the shock from Hallam's death caused him to remain silent for nearly ten years. His son and biographer says that his father during this period "profited by friendly and unfriendly criticism, and in silence, obscurity, and solitude, perfected his art."

All turned out by the gross from cheap glass melters, whose thin material dots the pavement of the church with spots like confetti, strewing lollipops of colour wherever the light falls.