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Hastings Beauchamp Morley sauntered across Union Square with a pitying look at the hundreds that lolled upon the park benches. They were a motley lot, he thought; the men with stolid, animal, unshaven faces; the women wriggling and self-conscious, twining and untwining their feet that hung four inches above the gravelled walks. Were I Mr. Carnegie or Mr.

The rest of the wall space was thickly hung with more plate mirrors, dozens of well-executed oil paintings, and strips of tapestry. At one end was a small raised stage on which lolled half-dozen darkies with banjos and tambourines. The floor was covered with a thick velvet carpet. Easy chairs, some of them leather upholstered, stood about in every available corner.

I leave it to your men of words to swell pages about it it is enough in the present to say again, the gloves would not do; so, folding our hands within our arms, we both lolled upon the counter it was narrow, and there was just room for the parcel to lay between us. The beautiful grisette looked sometimes at the gloves, then sideways to the window, then at the gloves, and then at me.

When the monthly mail between America and Australasia was in, few packs of cards were sold, for every one was busied with letters and orders for goods. But only three or four days a month were so disturbed, and for nearly four weeks of the month Papeete lolled at ease, with endless time for games and stimulants.

"Well...." he said companionably, and lolled against a pillar. "You've done well at tea in the way of visitors," I remarked. "Six, wasn't it?" "Yes," he said, "and now I've got rid of 'em all, except one." "Where's the one?" "In there." He pointed with his pipe to the empty Mess-Room. "He's the father of a subaltern of mine who was killed." "He's come to talk to you about it?" "Yes."

The vegetable close had irresistible attractions for the gardener, and this drew his laggard steps from their idle excursion, back to the freshly spaded spot enriched by leaf mould, and carefully picketed against the incursions of scratching hens. Here he busied himself in planting lettuce seed, forgetful of Scipio, who lolled sleepily in the shadow of the willows.

On the plateau the train seldom halted without being surrounded by a jostling crowd, fighting to sell their meager wares; here they either lolled in the shade of their banana groves, waiting for purchasers to come and inspect their displays of fruit, or they did not even trouble to offer anything for sale. Why should man work when his food drops year by year into his lap without even replanting?

He slipped them into his coat, and went at once on board the Guernsey steamer. At Guernsey, the next morning, he embarked on the little boat which runs between Guernsey and Sark. The sun was a golden fire upon the water; the race of the tides no more than a ripple. The island stuck out its great knees into the sea and lolled in the heat. Half-way across Drake bethought him of the letters.

So the gentle Pai and her husband they are religious people, and went to the Faatoai church three times this Sunday stood while we lolled at ease. Courtesy here seems a native trait, though even a little native blood improves on the white as far as politeness is concerned.

As Edith and her mother quietly read, and ate grapes, and lolled in a delightfully feminine way, voices were heard, Mae's and Norman's. They were in the middle of a conversation. "Yes," Mae was saying, "you do away with individuality altogether nowadays, with your dreadful classifications. It is all the same from daffodils up to women." "How do we classify women, pray?"