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In communism, political activism was a precondition for advancement and, too often, for personal survival. Workers, both industrial and agricultural, were lionized and idolized in communist times.

They are quite harmless, so far as the old man is concerned wonderfully so and Fieschi was made a perfect fool of, so ridiculously lionized was he by King, Court and Ministers. Our friend Marie was advocate for that wretched old man, Pépin, Fieschi's accomplice, more a ghost than a living creature."

"I shall remember him; and only that I shall be afraid to go into the State of Maine after what has happened, I should pay him a visit one of these days." "There you are wrong. Those who know your story would sooner think of giving you a public reception, than of saying or doing any thing to injure your feelings. Those who have suffered unjustly are always lionized."

The next night Grace and Miriam gave a dinner in honor of her election at Vinton's, to which twelve girls were invited, and for a week the new president was feted and lionized until she laughingly declared that a return to the simple life was her only means of re-establishing her lost reputation for study and avoiding impending warnings.

Lud, how tired we all got of it!" "And then I hope you went back home, Ju, and were lionized," said the other woman, vigorously. "Oh, not then! No, I'd been meaning to go and meaning to go all those three years. The little sisters used to write me such forlorn little letters! and mother, too but I couldn't manage it.

His manner is a little affected and irritating I expect he has been too much lionized and the everlasting smart speeches are dreadfully tiring; but I don't believe he means any harm." "I don't know what he means, but there's something not clean about a man who sneers at everything.

Manning is quite lionized here, and you will have to face a terrific battery of eyes and lorgnettes; for everybody will stretch his or her neck to find out, first, who you are, and secondly, how you are dressed. Now I think I understand rather better than you do what is comme il faut in these matters and I hope you will allow me to dictate on this occasion.

It is the playing of clean good sport that elicits the applause. The same of curling, of football, of cricket, of rowing, of canoeing, of snowshoeing, of yachting, of skeeing, of running. When an Indian won the Marathon, he was lionized almost to his undoing.

One of the counts in the unwritten indictments against McDowell was that its officers and men had lionized the dangerous Indian they were bidden to hold under careful guard, had held him without bond or shackle in a vacant room of the hospital, until that very day, when, stung by an inspector's comment, Brown ordered him at last into confinement with Sanchez, who was shackled to a post in the prison room.

This was the select party which Norwich society had lionized the great unknown to whom we had been introduced, and where Crook had been cheated out of his travelling-money!