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What is it that we are pledged by President Wilson's statement to insist upon as a precondition of any peace conference with Germany? Simply this that behind the word of the Kaiser there must be the word of the German people. That word must be given in advance and in a way which will satisfy both the Allies and the United States. It is for the German people to find the way.

But as without a Thou there can be no You, so without a You no They, These or Those; and as all these conjointly form the materials and subjects of consciousness, and the conditions of experience, it is evident that the con-science is the root of all consciousness, 'a fortiori', the precondition of all experience, and that the conscience cannot have been in its first revelation deduced from experience.

The highest good is self-preservation; all other goods, as friendship, riches, wisdom, knowledge, and, above all, power, are valuable only as instruments of the former. The precondition of well-being, for which each man strives by nature, is security for life and health.

But as without a Thou there can be no You, so without a You no They, These, or Those; and as all these conjointly form the materials and subjects of consciousness and the conditions of experience, it is evident that conscience is the root of all consciousness a fortiori, the precondition of all experience and that the conscience cannot have been in its first revelation deduced from experience.

What communism did to the lands it permeated was to freeze this early feudal frame of mind of disdain towards "non-productive", "city-based" vocations. Agricultural and industrial occupations were romantically extolled. The cities were berated as hubs of moral turpitude, decadence and greed. Political awareness was made a precondition for personal survival and advancement.

In the human being it is responsible for that metamorphosis of organic processes which occurs on the path from the metabolic to the nervous system, and which we came to recognize as the precondition for the appearance of consciousness within the organism. What powerful forces must be at work in the plant organism at this point of transition from its green to its coloured parts!

In communism, political activism was a precondition for advancement and, too often, for personal survival. Workers, both industrial and agricultural, were lionized and idolized in communist times.

It is clearly a precondition of all useful discussion that the author and reader should be in accord with respect to the authority of the generalisations and definitions which supply the premisses for his reasonings. Though this might perhaps to the reader appear an impractical ideal, I would propose here to attempt to reach it by explaining the logical method which I have set myself to follow.

For the practice of alchemy a moral behavior is required, which is hardly necessary as a precondition of merely chemical work.

But that relation of substances in which the one contains determinations the ground of which is in the other substance, is the relation of influence. And, when this influence is reciprocal, it is the relation of community or reciprocity. Consequently the coexistence of substances in space cannot be cognized in experience otherwise than under the precondition of their reciprocal action.

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