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His Poverty and Folly made me pity and pardon him, if leaving him to be laugh'd at and starv'd, are to be esteemed no Punishment. As I really pity'd the Fowl, I found where he lodged, and supplied him with sufficient to keep him above Want, tho' I would never trust him with the Knowledge of his Benefactor, nor would ever after be seen to give him the least Countenance."

This made so strong an Impression upon me, that I resolved to be as agreeable as the best of the Men who laugh'd at me; but I observed it was Nonsense for me to be Impudent at first among those who knew me: My Character for Modesty was so notorious wherever I had hitherto appeared, that I resolved to shew my new Face in new Quarters of the World.

High feasting was there there the gilded roofs Rung to the wassail-health the dancer's step Sprung to the chord responsive the gay gamester To fate's disposal flung his heap of gold, And laugh'd alike when it increased or lessen'd: Such virtue hath court-air to teach us patience Which schoolmen preach in vain.

Would to heaven! my dear Eugenius, thou hadst passed by, and beheld me sitting in my black coat, and in my lack-a-day-sical manner, counting the throbs of it, one by one, with as much true devotion as if I had been watching the critical ebb or flow of her fever. How wouldst thou have laugh'd and moralized upon my new profession! and thou shouldst have laugh'd and moralized on.

They laugh'd at my Demand, and would give me no Answer, which makes me guess it came from some Wreck, and that we were nearer the Ocean, or some great River, than I thought. In the Afternoon we set forward, taking our Leaves of the Wisack Indians, and leaving them some Trifles.

This comic scene, Du Desespoir, which affords such opportunity for the mime, although not given in the first edition of Le Theatre Italien, finds a place in the best edition . The editor has appended the following note: 'Ceux qui ont vu cette Scene, conviendront que c'est une des plus plaisantes qu'on ait jamais jouee sur le Theatre Italien. p. 408 a Man that laugh'd to death.

Yes, she would go! and then she laugh'd to think Of the wild fury of her harsh old Lord When he should wake one day and find her gone Laugh'd! the first time for long and weary months. By Mont St. Michael, on the Norman coast, A restless river, changing oft its course, Flows sullenly; and racehorse-like the tide, Which, going, leaves a wilderness of sand.

At last, my Man came in, to whom when I had told the Story, he laugh'd at me, and presently undeceiv'd me, by telling me what it was that made that Noise. These Allegators lay Eggs, as the Ducks do; only they are longer shap'd, larger, and a thicker Shell, than they have.

Many of the like examples are to be seen in the poet, as a writer of majestic, but not inhuman, tragedy. Rose laughter irrepressible, at sight Of Vulcan hobbling round the spacious hall. Thersites is most contemptible in body and most evil in disposition, from his raising a disturbance, and his slanderous speech and boastfulness. The Greeks, despite their anger, laugh'd aloud.

Then it wouldn't be the League against the Association it'd be the people against the League, and the laugh'd be on the other foot." "What's the betting?" "Search me. But Mayor Rowland told me if we got up a monster petition with a thousand or two names on it, he'll bring it up to the Council. We're puttin' up posters in the lobby." Henry's heart jumped. "But suppose the people don't sign?"