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Updated: August 25, 2024

"There was some speech," he went on hurriedly, with a quaver in his voice, "o' pittin' him intill the asylum at Aberdeen, an' no lattin' him scoor the queentry this gait, they said; but it wad hae been sheer cruelty, for the cratur likes naething sac weel as rinnin' aboot, an' does no' mainner o' hurt. A verra bairn can guide him. "Is nothing known about him?"

I hae often been i' the gran' drawin' room, when ye wad be lattin' the yoong laird, or somebody or anither ye wantit to be special til, see the bonny things ye hae sic a fouth o' i' the caibnets again the wa's; an' I hae aye h'ard ye say o' ane o' them yon bonny little horsie, ye ken,'at they say the auld captain,'at 's no laid yet, gied to yer gran'father I hae aye h'ard ye say o' that,'at hoo it was solid silver 'SAID TO BE, ye wad aye tack to the tail o' 't."

'But my father and his father war like brithers, and we hae a' to du what we can for his father's son. I wud fain hand him ohn gotten into trouble wi' you or ony lass. 'I get him into trouble! Really, Miss Barclay, I do not know how to understand you! 'I see I maun be plain wi' ye: I wudna hae ye get him into trouble by lattin him get you into trouble! and that's plain speykin!

Nicht efter nicht has the tane or the tither o' hiz twa been sittin here aside her, lattin the hairst tak its chance, and i' the daytime lea'in 'maist a' to the men, me sleepin and they at their wark; and here the bonny cratur lyin, as quaiet as gien she had never seen tribble, for thirteen days, and no change past upon her, no more than on the three holy bairns i' the fiery furnace!

Several years ago, she divided into two bands, and has now two good Churches, two good congregations, and two able Ministers. Conference of 1859. Presiding Elder. Milwaukee District. Residence. District Parsonage.-Visits to Charges. Spring Street. Asbury. Rev. A.C. Manwell. Brookfield. West Granville. Wauwatosa. Rev. J.P. Roe. Waukesha. Rev. Wesley Lattin, Oconomowoc. Rev. A.C. Pennock. Rev.

And though a man be poor, yet may he very well attain unto it, and may be employed to make the Philosophers Stone. Wherefore my Child, all is concealed in Saturn, which we have need of, for in it is a perfect Mercury, in it are all the Colours of the world, which may be discovered in it; in it are the true black, white and red Colours, in it is the weight, it is our Lattin. Example.

A Parsonage was also erected the same year. Both of them, however, were sold when the grounds were purchased for the new Church. It was during the Pastorate of Brother Lattin that the first donation party ever held in Janesville, was given. The company assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Wynn, where Brother Lattin boarded.

During this year he was greatly afflicted in the loss of his wife, and before the expiration of the year he was sent to Waukesha to supply the place of Brother Lattin, whose health had failed. In 1853 Brother Pennock was stationed at Asbury, Milwaukee, but, his health again failing, he decided to go to Minnesota at the end of the year.

In the same way, in Christian Europe, we may contrast Dunbar's pious "Ballat of Our Lady" with his "Kynd Kittok," in which God has his eye on the soul of an intemperate ale-wife who has crept into Paradise. "God lukit, and saw her lattin in, and leugh His heart sair."

The Rock River Conference, for the year 1845, held its session at Peoria on the 20th day of August. At this Conference I was received on trial and appointed to Green Lake Mission. The class admitted this year numbered twenty-three, and among them were Wesley Lattin, Seth W. Ford and Joseph M. Walker.

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