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Updated: August 24, 2024

Mackay, separately, stated that he had made Donald intoxicated for the purpose of eliciting any guilty secret which he might possess. But whisky had elicited nothing. On the whole the London detectives had not been entirely a success. Mr. Macrae therefore arranged to send both of them back to Lairg, where they would strike the line, and return to the metropolis.

He openly asks for ships and sails in them, and thus is expected to land on the coast. But after a purposely devious course, which has puzzled inquirers into the locality of Ekkjals-bakki, he came overland by Oykel and Lairg and Strathnaver or Strathskinsdale, whence he was not looked for. Thorbiorn Klerk next has his revenges.

Merton rapidly told him all that he did not already know through Mr. Macrae's telegrams. He was a reserved man, rather young, and beyond thanking Merton, said little, but pushed on towards Castle Skrae in the motor. 'Some other motors, he said, 'had arrived, and were being detained at Lairg. They came later.

And now can you give me your attention for a few minutes? 'Willingly, said Mr. Macrae, and they walked together to a point in the garden where they were secure from being overheard. 'I must ask you to lend me a horse to ride to Lairg and the railway at once, said Logan. 'Must you leave us? You cannot, I fear, catch the 12.50 train south.

There are, or there were a few years ago, wild lochs and streams which are still practically free, and a man who is content with small things can pick up some very pretty sport from the highland inns, and make a good basket of memorable experiences every week. The inn at Lairg, overlooking the narrow waters of Loch Shin, was embowered in honeysuckles, and full of creature comfort.

Thus the millionaire, though residing nearly fifty miles from the nearest station at Lairg, was as well and promptly informed as if he dwelt in Fleet Street, and he could issue, without a moment's procrastination, his commands to sell and buy, and to do such other things as pertain to the nature of millionaires.

The Sportsman's Guide to Scotland says, as to Loch Skrae: 'Railway to Lairg, then walk or hire forty-five miles. The young van Huytenses were not invited to walk or hire. Van Huytens had been ostentatious, Mr. Macrae was the reverse.

The rest of it also remains practically unchanged in appearance from the earliest days till the present time, as it has been little disturbed by the plough save in the north-east of Ness and at Lairg and Kinbrace, and in its lower levels along the coast. But Loch Fleet no longer reaches to Pittentrail, and the crooked bay at Crakaig has been drained and the Water of Loth sent straight to the sea.

'The motor has gone on to Lairg, carrying two detectives who have made a pretty foozle of it, and it will bring back an electrician. 'What for? asked Logan. 'I must tell you the whole story, said Merton. 'Let us walk a little way too many gillies and people loafing about here. They walked up the road and sat down by little Loch Awe, the lochan on the way to Alt-na-gealgach.

'Let me wire to-morrow by the old-fashioned way, said Merton; 'I hear that one need not go to Lairg to wire. One can do that from Inchnadampf, much nearer. That is quicker than steaming to Loch Inver. 'Thank you very much, Mr. Merton; I must be here myself. You had better take the motor trouble dazes a man I forgot the motor when I ordered the tandem this morning. 'Very good, said Merton.

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