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Updated: August 13, 2024

The planks of her chart-house were blackened. Her ventilators had crumpled into masses without any shape. "Laborin' like a critter in pain, she managed to make shallow water, an' a rattle o' chain told o' the droppin' o' the anchor. After that, nothin'! There wasn't a sign o' life aboard. "The harbor folks pulled out to take a look at the craft.

You look like a tramp." "Yes," he answered bitterly, "I'm a tramp. That's all they'd let me be. I used to be a locomotive engineer before the big strike. Then they blacklisted me, and I've never had a job above laborin' work since. It's easy to take to the road and stay at it when you find you can't make over a dollar a day at back-breakin' work after earnin' three and four at the throttle.

The man tucked his tongue into his cheek and squinted at the sisters, muttering to himself: "I should like to see de mist'ess' face, ef you two was to present yourselves at de house!" Then, speaking aloud, he said: "De house be for de quality, an' de tents for de colored gemmen and ladies; an' de barn for de laborin' classes ob de whites. Shall I hab de honor to denounce you to de barn?"

But it's notorious that porcupines hang around men's houses and eat the handles of their tools for the salt in them, ignoring' the poor man whose sweat had the salt in it when he was laborin' to earn a livin' for his family. And when a thing acts like a porcupine, a porcupine it is and nothing else! So a diny is a Eirean porcupine, native to the planet, and no man can deny it!

Who knows but it was her that got us the good fortune that flowed in upon us, an' that made our strugglin' an' our laborin' turn out so lucky." The idea of being lucky or unlucky is, in Ireland, an enemy to industry.

"I'm afraid they'll have to survive the shock somehow or other; a man has to dress according to his work." "Hm! Now there's that there Mrs. Roscoe-Jones and Miss Bascom; I'll bet if they saw you in that rig they'd throw a fit." "Oh no; it isn't as bad as that, Danny." "They'd think you'd been disgraced for life, to become a laborin' man, you bet." "A what?" "A laborin' man."

He attinded th' banket given be th' Prospurity Brigade at th' hotel where he's stoppin'. 'Twas a magnificent assimblage iv th' laborin' classes, costin' fifteen dollars a plate, an' on'y disturbed whin a well-to-do gintleman in th' dhry-goods business had to be thrun out f'r takin' a kick at a waiter.

You impudent creeter you! What of it? What if he don't work at all? What earthly business is it of yourn or the neighbors? I guess he is able to lay by for a few days if he wants to." "You are laborin' under a mistake, mom." "No, I hain't laborin' under no mistake! And don't you tell me agin that I be.

Offitt darted a glance of scorn upon the ignoble soul who was content with his bondage; but the mention of Matchin reminded him that he had a final shot in reserve, and he let it off at once. "Yes, Saul Matchin is a laborin' man himself; but look at his daughter. She would die before she would marry a workman.

It's all guesswork in my way o' thinkin', but they are sure on't, an' that feelin' is lots o' comfort to 'em when they are drawin' near the end. I've been a sort er scoffer all my life," he added reflectively, "an' can't help bein' a doubter, but there are times when I envy Aunt Leach an' the rest on' em the delusion I b'lieve they're laborin' under."

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