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He was of an age and of a temperament that made his love affairs seem to him supremely urgent and of more importance than anything else in his life. He found her sitting at her writing-table in a kind of red kimono. Her hair was brushed straight off her forehead, her eyes were sly and bright, and she looked more Japanese than ever. Cecil told her what Hyacinth had said to him.

She ran back into her room and put on her slippers and her kimono; she went into the bathroom and washed her hands and face and brushed her teeth and then she slipped soundlessly down the stairs.

Off came the broad embroidered sash. It was thrown aside, and the raucous singing began afresh. Chonkina! Chonkina! Hoi! The same girl lost again; and amid shrill titterings the gorgeous scarlet kimono fell to the ground. She was left standing in a pretty blue under-kimono of light silk with a pale pink design of cherry-blossoms starred all over it. Chonkina! Chonkina!

On entering the salon, he did not at first recognize His Excellency. He saw a man sitting at the piano wearing no clothing but a Japanese dressing gown a woman's rose-colored kimono, embroidered with golden birds, belonging to Chichi.

Just walking about with her and looking happy isn't any criterion. Men are always doing that with every girl." "Dora didn't look happy with me to-night then how do you account for that?" She accounted for it with a merry laugh, as curled in the silk kimono she remained in possession of my nightly couch.

Geoffrey had no idea who Dai-Butsu might be, but he gladly agreed. She fluttered on beside him with her long kimono sleeves like a big moth. Geoffrey's head was full of wine and waltz tunes. They dived into a narrow street with dwellings on each side. Some of the houses were shuttered and silent.

Tarbury, dressed in a loose kimono, with her bare feet thrust into well-worn Juliet slippers, was lying across her bed, in the pleasant leisure of Sunday afternoon, a Dramatic Supplement held in one fat ringed hand, her head supported by her pillows in soiled muslin cases, and several satin and velvet cushions from a couch.

I keep saying to him, 'Keep me out here much longer, Fred, and you'll have to ship me home in a wooden kimono." "Wooden kimono?" "Coffin. Get me?" "Then Brazil isn't your home?" "By transplanting, yes. I never married out there, believe me. We was both born and raised right here on the little long and narrow island, till he got a better job out there with the telephone company.

And of course there are many kinds, from the servants' cotton futon which is no larger than a Western hearthrug, and not much thicker, to the heavy and superb futon silk, eight feet long by seven broad, which only the kanemochi can afford. Besides these there is the yogi, a massive quilt made with wide sleeves like a kimono, in which you can find much comfort when the weather is extremely cold.

Then she laughed and reaching for her kimono, which hung folded across the footboard of the bed, slipped it on, and, thrusting her feet into her bedroom slippers, went to the window. "Dear old Overton Hall," she murmured, her eyes fixed lovingly on the stately gray tower of the building that she had come to regard as a close friend. Again she found herself overwhelmed by a tide of reminiscences.