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Updated: August 4, 2024

Her forces were that part of the Society which had voted against the Debate. Miss Kilrain was one of those who must lead, at something; if she could not be leader on the rostrum, she descended to the ranks. Miss MacLauren was deeply interested, and felt she had a right to be, for these things, newspapers and such, were in her family.

Miss Kilrain took her place with them, but she was not of them; the High School populace, gazing up from the groundling's point of view, in serried ranks below, felt that. It was as though The Faculty closed in upon themselves and left Miss Kilrain, with her Modern Methods, outside and alone.

They could never be trusted to help in the deception, so Drew summoned two of his men, "Shorty" Kilrain and "Calamity" Ben. Calamity had no other name than Ben, as far as any one on the range had ever been able to learn. His nickname was derived from the most dolorous face between Eldara and Twin Rivers.

"Ten like you couldn't get him." "I've six men behind me." She was still defiant, but her colour changed. "Six, Sally, and he's out here among the hills, not knowing his right from his left. I ask you: has he got a chance?" She answered: "No; not one." He turned on his heel, beckoned to Kilrain, who had stood moveless through the strange dialogue, and went out into the night.

Miss Kilrain was accorded the honour. But she surprised them. She did come; she came tripping up on the balls of her feet the very next Friday. They heard her deprecating little cough as she came up the stairs. When one was little, one had played "Let's pretend." But in the full illusion of the playing, if grown-up people had appeared, the play stopped short. It was like that, now the silence.

As they hurried for the barn Kilrain asked: "What makes the chief act soft to that hell-raiser?" "If you have a feller cut out for your own meat," answered Nash, "d'you want to have any one else step in and take your meal away?" "But you and me, Steve, we'll get this bird." "We'll get Glendin behind us first." "Why him?" "Play safe.

It was no easy task, for she rode like a centaur, and she knew the way. Through the windows and the door the cowpunchers fled from the red spurt of the flames, each man for himself, except Shorty Kilrain, who stooped, gathered the lanky frame of Calamity Ben into his arms, and staggered out with his burden. The great form of William Drew loomed through the night.

But the old books went and the new ones came, and Miss Kilrain came with them. She came in mincingly on the balls of her feet the opening day of school, and took her place on the rostrum of the chapel with The Faculty. Once one would have said with "the teachers," but in the High School one knew them as The Faculty.

These days Miss Kilrain was holding aloof from the Society and its deteriorating tendencies. She shook her head and looked at the members sorrowfully. The debate was set for the first Friday in the new year. One morning in the holidays Uncle Charlie looked up from his paper. "You are going to have a new Principal," said he. "New Principal " said Emmy Lou, "and Professor Koenig?"

Both had voted for the Debate, and both had been seen by Miss Kilrain, one, at least, laughing frivolously, in company with a boy. The two members, moving uneasily beneath Miss Kilrain's gaze, were Hattie and Miss MacLauren. Miss Kilrain then went on to say, that she had taught in another school, a school where the ideals of Higher Education were being realised by the use of Modern Methods.

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