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The latter writer observes, "what makes me conjecture this is, that the Chaldee interpreters who in Leviticus render it obija, do not use this word in Deuteronomy, but substitute the 'white kak, which, according to Buxtorf, denotes the goose." Norden mentions a goose of the Nile whose plumage is extremely beautiful.

The hombre that throws his kak on one of them is a-goin' to do a little sky-ballin' 'fore he hits the dirt, you bet. But jest the same I'm here to bet ten to eight on him before the drawin'." Purdy who had joined the next group turned at the words. "I'll jest take that," he snapped. "Because Tex has drug down the last two buckin' contests hain't no sign he c'n go south with 'em all."

That trout, when I got home, weighed just seven pounds and nine ounces." "Wheugh! whiz! kak! ke-o-ho!" exclaimed, whistled, and crowed Comical Codman. "I do not doubt it in the least," said Carvil. "Nor can I, of course, on Mr.

They ain't no man ever throw'd a kak on Ace of Spades but me, an' as fer sellin' him, or tradin' him I'll shoot him first!" A sudden commotion at the back of the room caused both men to turn toward the wheel where a fierce altercation had arisen between the croupier and the vagabond to whom the Texan had tossed his last coin. "You'll take that er nothin'! It's more money'n y'ever see before an' "

When I endeavoured to explain to him my question, he simply knitted his brows and scratched the back of his head. This latter movement is the Russian peasant's method of accelerating cerebral action; but in the present instance it had no practical result. In spite of his efforts, Ivan could not get much further than the "Kak vam skazat'?" that is to say, "How am I to tell you?"

'Ah, he will say, 'yah ochen rrad vasveedyat, kak vui pazhavaetye? which in the United States means 'How do you do? to which she will reply, 'Blogadaru vas, yah ochen korosho, or 'very well, thank you. It is the knockout. A fellow has to shake hands so much that some of them are getting the habit around the company.

A scream of wonder instantly arose, and welcomes and greetings were poured forth in torrents of musical Rommany, amongst which, however, the most prominent air was, 'Ah kak mi toute karmama, 'Oh, how we love you'; for at first they supposed me to be one of their brothers, who they said, were wandering about in Turkey, China, and other parts, and that I had come over the great pawnee, or water, to visit them. . . . I visited this place several times during my sojourn at Moscow, and spoke to them upon their sinful manner of living, upon the advent and suffering of Christ Jesus, and expressed, upon my taking leave of them, a hope that they would be in a short period furnished with the word of eternal life in their own language, which they seemed to value and esteem much higher than the Russian."