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George said was a good deal more than six cents, but which she said was near enough to the amount of the fine, and paid it into Josie's hands. Josie put it safely into a certain compartment of his wallet, which he had set apart for the purpose. The truth was, that Mrs.

They were all in the saddle early the following morning, Josie's wound having healed sufficiently to permit her to ride without danger. Early morning in the tropics is the pleasantest time of the day, and although the road from Mr.

I guard those shells by night, and another man does nothing but guard them by day." "Where are they stored?" was Josie's next question. "In the room just back of Mr. Colton's office the big main building." "So Mr. Colton is still the head of the company?" "He's Vice-President and General Manager, and he knows the steel and ammunition business from A to Z," asserted Joe Langley. "Mr.

The day following Uncle Josie's house-warming, Miss Patsey released her little flock an hour earlier than usual; they were allowed to pass the time playing in an adjoining meadow, until sent for by their parents. There was to be a tea-party at the "old gray house" that evening a very unusual event; ten invitations had been sent out.

Josie's eyes were turned toward the carpet, and a slight blush tinged her cheeks. "Ah," said Jim, "yes; Mr. Cornish's offer. How did you learn of it?" "I got my understanding of it from Mr. Lattimore," said Mrs. Trescott, "and told Josie about it." "Before we consent to carry out this plan," said Josie, "we ... I want to know all about the motives and considerations back of it.

Astonishing at least to me, though Josephine says that I need not have been astonished had I kept my eyes open, inasmuch as the affair was going on under my very nose, and everybody in town except myself knew how it was likely to end. I refer to my daughter Josie's engagement.

Her naive astonishment, as she surveys the spectacle, feels the curtains, and smooths her old gloves during the moment she remains unseen, was very good; but Josie's unaffected start when she sees her, and the cry: 'Why, there's mother! was such a hearty little bit of nature, it hardly needed the impatient tripping over her train as she ran into the arms that seemed now to be her nearest refuge.

At first she had been a little ashamed to acknowledge to her friend that a citizen of her own town could be so disloyal, but the matter had weighed heavily on her mind and so she decided to unload it upon Josie's shrewder intelligence.

Rie Blauvelt had written three words one hundred times, laughed at her, and gone home; Josie Grey had written isosceles one hundred times, and then taken up a slate to help Marjorie; before Marjorie was aware Josie had written abyss seventy-five times, then suspecting something by the demureness of Josie's eyes she had snatched her slate and erased the pretty writing.

Mother, let us go and see Josie right off. She's stopping with her aunt at the Maberly Hotel I saw it in the paper this morning. I'm going to tell her she was right and we were wrong. Josie's beat them all, and I'm going to tell her so!" When Jack and Jill Took a Hand Jack's Side of It