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Updated: August 8, 2024

But what I like best is, when my ship is in the daldrums, I am equal to the emergency; there is no engineer to bother you by saying this can't be done, or that won't do, and to stand jawing and arguing instead of obeying and doing. Clippers of the right lines, size, and build, well found, manned, and commanded, will make nearly as good work, in ordinary times, as steamers.

"If you'd only stop jawing and give me some brandy, I could go." "Oh my Aunt!" said Rankin, dallying with his despair. "It isn't half a bad idea. Try it." They tried it. Maddox raised the poet's head and Rankin poured the brandy into him. Rankin's hand was gentle, but there was a sternness about Maddox and his ministrations.

So nacherally I listened to what they was jawing about. They was both kind o' mad at the hull world, and at our town in pertic'ler, and some at each other, too.

"What are you two girls jawing about in there?" he asked, squinting blindly from the sun dazzle into the clear, amber light of the canvas cavern. "We're just telling stories and things," said Susan. The old man peered at Lucy's recumbent figure. "Ain't she well?" he queried. "Thought I heard crying." "Her head aches, it's so hot." "Let her stay there. We'll do her cooking for her.

"It's George Mortimer he's in our bank," Alan confided to his sister, as they moved away. "He's all right he's strong as a horse; and I bet Crandal'll have a kink in his neck to-morrow, where George pinched him." "What was it about?" the girl asked. "Crandal was jawing about people who own race horses," the boy answered, evasively. "It's Crandal, the butcher."

"Yes," said Mabel impatiently, "that would be simply silly. And, besides, I want my ring." "It's not yours any more than ours, anyhow," said Jimmy. "Yes, it is," said Mabel. "Oh, stow it!" said the weary voice of Gerald beside her. "What's the use of jawing?" "I want the ring," said Mabel, rather mulishly. "Want" the words came out of the still evening air "want must be your master.

"Well met!" he cried; "I was hoping to fall in with you again. You must have thought me a pretty fair cub last night." "I did that," was the dry answer. "Well, I want to apologize. God knows what made me treat you to a university-extension lecture. I may not agree with you, but every man's entitled to his own views, and it was dashed poor form for me to start jawing you." Mr.

She said ther must be a 'high ole fracas', them was her words, agoin' on in Marster's room, for he was cussin' and swearin', and his granddaughter was jawing back very vicious.

"Most politely he informed me that this place does not agree with his health; and there did not seem sufficient scope for his services since the Reverend Underwood had become so much more independent. So we were thankful to dispose of him to Lord de Vigny." "He was a great plague," interpolated Adrian, "always jawing about the hall-door." "Are you really without a man-servant?" demanded Gerald.

"Pertikler!" he cried, "why, that there bloke give me this 'ere!" Nothing evidently could have been more conclusive to Billy's mind. I felt almost jealous to find how much truer Jack's new friend was than his old one. "Was he here long this evening?" I asked, presently. "Yaas; he was jawing nigh on half a' hour, he was, while I gi'en him a shine.

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