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Afar in the starlight a pistol snapped viciously; it was answered by a louder detonation, succeeded almost instantly by the fainter whip of the pistol. Then after a few seconds' interim came yet again the fainter report and all was silent. "That's Red's .45," said the man with curt positiveness. "T'other must have had a Winchester, and he didn't fire but one shot. Red shot last."

Stanton and the other members of the Cabinet, were such that he could not execute the office which he filled as President of the United States without making provision ad interim for that office; that he had the right under the law; he claimed to have the right, and his purpose was to have the office administered in the interest of the Army and of the Country; and he offered me the office in that view.

In the interim the second dance had ended, and Clifford was conducting Lucy to her seat, each charmed with the other, when he found himself abruptly tapped on the back, and turning round in alarm, for such taps were not unfamiliar to him, he saw the cool countenance of Long Ned, with one finger sagaciously laid beside the nose.

In the interim, it began to be whispered abroad, that I had received plenty of gold from Salim Daucari; and on the morning of the 23d, Sambo Sego paid me a visit with a party of horsemen.

Axtell, and his sister, too, I think, have a very decided way of avoiding us. What induces Mr. Axtell to perform the office of sexton is more than any one in the congregation can divine." "I intend to find out, Sophie." "How?" "In some way, how, I cannot tell." "In the interim, take some breakfast, or you'll lose your curiosity in hunger."

It seemed a mere breathing space before the middle of July rolled around, and she was once more aboard a Vancouver boat. In the interim, she had received a letter from the attorney who had wound up her father's estate, intimating that there was now a market demand for that oil stock, and asking if he should sell or hold for a rise in price which seemed reasonably sure?

"I beg to refer to a letter marked 'private, which I wrote to the President when first consulted on the subject of the change in the War Department. It bears upon the subject of this removal, and I had hoped would have prevented it. "I have the honor to be, with great respect, your obedient servant, "U. S. GRANT, "General U. S. A., Secretary of War ad interim.

The Zaimis cabinet, it will be remembered by those who have read the previous volume, was merely provisional to fill the interim until the next elections. These had at first been fixed for August 7, 1916, then postponed for another month. Now they were again postponed indefinitely. Truly it seemed that the two big parties had come to an understanding.

Van Buren was sent, in the interim of the session of Congress, minister plenipotentiary to the Court of St. James. Mr. Clay had come back into the Senate, and was heading and leading an opposition, then in the majority in the Senate; and the nomination of Van Buren was rejected.

"Reich-Hennersdorf" is below Landshut, farther down the Pass; "Liebau" still farther down, and its "Gallows," doubtless, is on some knoll in the environs! As for ourselves, I can send you nothing but contemptibilities. Perhaps the only points now noticeable in this tedious Landshut interim, are Two, hardly noticed then at all by an expectant world.