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In due time, the stars paled to indistinctness, then to invisibility, and the landscape came into view in the fresh, chilly dawn, showing a strong grey horse feeding with Fancy and Bunyip, two hundred yards away. I was in no hurry to start, but my friends were like greyhounds in the leash.

They blushed, too, now and then, upon an indistinctness in her speech which she turned off with a girlish giggle, and on an occasional failing In her memory, that had no rule in it, but came and went fantastically, as if in mockery of her fantastic self. But they never blushed upon a change in the new manner of her thought and speech towards her daughter.

The moral standing of the nation, taken as a whole, has been degenerating; in business, in public affairs, in private life, until the standards of value have been confused, the line of demarcation between right and wrong blurred to indistinctness, and the old motives of honour, duty, service, charity, chivalry and compassion are no longer the controlling motive, or at least the conscious aspiration, of active men.

We, moreover, must ask the following question: 'Is this indistinctness which you consider an effect of avidya put an end to by the rise of true knowledge or not? On the latter alternative there would be no final release. In the former case we have to ask of what nature Reality is. If it does, there is no room whatever either for indistinctness the effect of avidya, or for its cessation.

What meaning was couched under this terrible threat, it is difficult to say; but certain it is that its awful indistinctness seemed to produce very little impression on the young sinners addressed. "La, now!" said Uncle Tom, "they are so full of tickle all the while, they can't behave theirselves."

Few things, in the way of confusion and capricious indistinctness, can now surprise our readers; not even the total want of dates, almost without parallel in a Biographical work. So enigmatic, so chaotic we have always found, and must always look to find, these scattered Leaves.

In the rapidly increasing perspective the six horses of the tally-ho were suddenly multiplied into a troop; and where the station agent had stood on the platform there seemed to be a dozen gesticulating figures fading into indistinctness, as the fast train swept on its way eastward. The club-man saw no more of the junketing party that night.

They have often done so with considerable success, and find much more pleasure in them than in those made by others. "Two of the most important principles in piano playing are: full, round, exact tone; distinct phrasing. The most common fault is indistinctness slurring over or leaving out notes. Clearness in piano playing is absolutely essential.

Time had dimmed their young beauty, but their eyes saw it not; they were young, they were all beautiful, to each other. And Constance hung on the steps of her lover still let that name be his! She could not bear to lose him for a moment: a vague indistinctness of fear seized her if she saw him not.

You may invest them with as much light or other blessed indistinctness as you please; the beards and the old ages will break through. In vain theologians may tell us that our imaginations are not exalted enough. The schools, and the forms of Catholic worship, held even his imagination down. Cruel indeed; the founder of the Inquisition! The "loving minion" is Mr.