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Updated: August 18, 2024

One is that sufficient curiosity has usually developed by this time, another is that the first information should come from a pure source, and a third is that this instruction should anticipate sex consciousness and the indecent language and suggestions of school and street.

Bodery when the door was thrown open, and a servant announced M. d'Audierne. He who entered immediately afterwards with an almost indecent haste was of middle height, with a certain intrepid carriage of the head which appeals to such as take pleasure in the strength and endurance of men.

The late Emperor, Muley Suleiman, professed to be a rigidly exact Mussulman, and considered it very indecent, and a great scandal that Jewesses, some of them, like most women of this country, of enormous dimensions, should be allowed to disturb the decent frame of mind of pious Mussulmen, whilst entering the threshold of the house of prayer, by the sad exhibitions of these good ladies stooping down and shewing their tremendous calves, when in the act of taking off their shoes before passing the mosques.

Since Mafeking night he had become aware that a 'young fool of a doctor' was hanging round Annette. Twice he had come across him a cheerful young fool, not more than thirty. Nothing annoyed Soames so much as cheerfulness an indecent, extravagant sort of quality, which had no relation to facts.

The air of "La Carmagnole" was originally composed when the town of that name was taken by Prince Eugene, and was adapted to the indecent words now sung by the French after the 10th of August 1792. Such unusual temerity susprised and alarmed the remains of the Committee, and Billaud Varennes sternly reminded the Convention of the abject state they were so lately released from.

Antagoras readily answered: But do you think, sir, that when Agamemnon did them he made it his business to know if any in his camp were frying congers? The king thought it an indecency that a poet should be thus a-frying in a kitchen; and the poet let the king know that it was a more indecent thing for a king to be found in such a place.

Do you remember what M. de la Rochefoucauld told you lately: "A reasonable man in love may act like a madman, but he should not and can not act like an idiot." Besides, when you compare your respect and esteem with the free and almost indecent manner of the Chevalier; when you draw from it the conclusion that she should prefer you to him, you do not know how incorrectly you argue.

It seemed to her almost indecent that a young girl should know so much about politics so much of which she herself, a married woman, and the wife of the adjutant-general, was completely in ignorance. "Save us, child!" she ejaculated. "You are so extraordinarily informed." "I have talked to Captain Tremayne," said Sylvia. "He has explained all this."

To such people there is something almost indecent in the thought that any one should deliberately wish to shed his own nationality and clothe himself in another. They form the unintelligent background against which the wild and lurid nationalists of every tribe disport themselves in frenzied movements of hate and antagonism. So much for these dirty foreigners who overrun England."

One was a torn print of a woman's figure, classically indecent with regard to apparel; and the other was a fly-disfigured portrait of a sweet-faced old lady, whose refinement and dignity of expression suggested surroundings of a far more delicate nature than those in which she now found herself. Besides these, a brace of ivory-butted revolvers served to ornament the wall at the head of the bed.

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