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But he did not know Debi Sing, whom he employed. I read, yesterday, and trust it is fresh in your Lordships' remembrance, that Debi Sing was presented to him by that set of tools, as they call themselves, who acted, as they themselves tell us they must act, entirely and implicitly under Gunga Govind Sing, that is to say, by Gunga Govind Sing himself, the confidential agent of Mr. Hastings. Mr.

"Yet surely the so-called Evangelical believes more than the Unitarian, and the High-Churchman than the Evangelical," objected Charles. "The question," said his fellow-traveller, "is, whether they submit their reason implicitly to that which they have received as God's word." Charles assented.

If he expected to startle her he was disappointed. She raised her eyebrows. "I can't believe it is possible. Mordon was such an honest man," she said. "We trusted him implicitly, and never once did he betray our trust. Now, Mr. Glover," she said coolly, "might I suggest that an interview with a gentleman in my bedroom is not calculated to increase my servants' respect for me?

Out here it seemed as though the people of England must be shaped in the body like the kings and queens, knights and pawns of the chessboard, so strange were their differences, so marked and so implicitly believed in. They had to part in order to circumvent a crowd. "They believe in God," said Rachel as they regained each other.

I mean by a Whig, not one who subscribes implicitly to the contents of any book, though that book may have been written by Locke; not one who approves the whole conduct of any statesman, though that statesman may have been Fox; not one who adopts the opinions in fashion in any circle, though that circle may be composed of the finest and noblest spirits of the age.

So it is with the Church. Vices destroy its essence. Ib. Our Lord alluded to the verse that immediately follows and completes his quotations from Isaiah. I, Jehovah, will come and do this. That he implicitly declared himself the Jehovah, the Word, this was the offence. Chap. XLIX. p. 443.

Their notion of honour is of the highest, and thieving and robbery are practically unknown. Prince Nicolas, like King Alfred, trusts his subjects in this matter of thieving implicitly. Should a man drop a case of banknotes on the road, the law says that the finder shall pick it up and place it on the nearest stone, so that the loser has but to retrace his steps, glancing at the wayside stones.

Moreover, man is instinctively against leaving his wife behind; it may be either a natural or a cowardly instinct-but we won't argue that. I don't believe that Johnson was a coward in that direction; I believe that he trusted his wife implicitly, or rather that he never dreamed of such a thing as is the way with most married men.

These silly people believed implicitly in my hypocrisy, which I shewed in a constrained gravity of countenance and deportment, and by forbearing openly from eating flesh, insomuch that all thought themselves happy to have me at their houses, or to kiss my hands and feet.

He will likely enjoin complete rest of the vocal organs, and his advice should be implicitly followed. But usually the time comes when some sort of vocal exercises may be resumed. When this is the case, the choice of a teacher becomes of the utmost importance, more so than in ordinary cases, for further injudicious treatment may lead to the utter ruin of the voice.