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I could follow the creases in the frock coat, the direction of the nap of the silk hat which it wore in my room. How well by this time I knew that faultless black coat and that impeccable hat! Yet it seemed that I could not examine them too closely. I pierced them with the intensity of my fascinated glance.

But for these reasons he might, at need, accept Oecolampadius's view. Later follows De vidua Christiana, The Christian Widow, for Mary of Hungary, which is as impeccable but less interesting. All this did not disarm the defenders of the old Church. They held fast to the clear picture of Erasmus's creed that arose from the Colloquies and that could not be called purely Catholic.

He began to remember some nice things about the old man the many kindnesses unasked and unpaid, the curious little gifts, the impeccable honesty. T began to feel ashamed. He tried to console himself with the thought: 'Well, it was his own fault; he had no right to laugh at me when he knew I was angry. Indeed, T even resolved to make amends when an opportunity should offer.

But the friend merely spoke of his friend; and since no two people in the world see eye to eye, the picture conveyed to Collinson was inaccurate. Moreover, the man was an M.P., an impeccable Conservative, and the General had the English soldier's lurking respect for any member of the Court of Last Appeal.

Was the Church repeating the tactics of the Synagogue? It was not so many years since the messengers of the congregation had offered him a pension of a thousand florins not to disturb its "established religion." Fullest freedom in philosophy, forsooth! How was that to be reconciled with impeccable deference to the ruling religion?

His shirt-front was as impeccable as his moral character was spotless in the way that Belgravia and Harley Street still understood spotlessness. He was tall and straight, and unbent by age; the professional poker which he had swallowed in early life seemed to stand him in good stead after sixty years, though his hair had whitened fast, and his brow was furrowed with most deliberative wrinkles.

Lincoln all the best and most variegated mental and intellectual qualities, all the virtues as claimed for him by his eulogists and friends. I would wish to believe, as they do, Mr. Lincoln to be infallible and impeccable.

"By the tideless dolorous inland sea, In a land of sand, of ruin, and gold." And, better example still, "Dieu que le son du cor est triste au fond des bois," that impeccable, that only line of real poetry Alfred de Vigny ever wrote.

John advanced willingly and saluted, feeling that the glance Colonel Stratz bent upon him was heavy and piercing. Yet he awaited the result with confidence. It was true that he was American, but he had been with the French so much now that he had acquired many of their tricks of manner, and his French accent was impeccable. "You are a seller of cattle?" said Colonel Stratz, suddenly in English.

"Uncle Hugh's girl, Uncle Hugh's girl," he told himself, and his temperamental responsiveness to the interest and the mystery of life expanded like a sea-anemone in the Gulf Stream. Gannett opened the door, announced in his impeccable English, "Mrs. Shirley," and was not. A very small, very graceful woman hesitated in the doorway.