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But I have not even the traditional grain of mustard seed to sow; and I might answer you as Laplace once did: 'Je n'avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse." "Had you a pleasant evening at Mrs. Tarrant's?" asked Regina, anxious to change the topic. "Wonderfully brilliant, and quite a topaz success.

Il faut donc nous arranger de maniere a ceque, dans le cas ou le seconde hypothese serait la vraie, nous n'ayons pas ete trop dupes." This strain of remark, which is developed at considerable length, is meant as a criticism of Amiel's want of sensitiveness to the irony of things.

Il en resulte que les especes qui terminent chaque rameau de la serie generale tiennent, au moins d'un cote, a d'autres especes voisines qui se nuancent avec elles. Voila ce que l'etat bien connu des choses me met maintenant a portee de demontrer. Je n'ai besoin d'aucune hypothese ni d'aucune supposition pour cela: j'en atteste tous les naturalistes observateurs."

"La durée de la rotation d'une planète doit donc être, d'après cette hypothèse, plus petite que la durée de la révolution du corps le plus voisin qui circule autour d'elle," says Laplace. And he then points out that the time of Saturn's rotation is to that of his rings as 427 to 438 an amount of difference such as was to be expected.

"Sir, do you recollect the reply of Laplace, when Napoleon asked him why there was no mention of God in his 'Mécanique Celeste? 'Sire, je n'avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse. I was not sufficiently insane to base my religion of beauty upon a holiness that was buried in the tomb supplied by Joseph of Arimathea, that was long ago hunted out of the world it might have purified.

On ne sait; mais un flatteur tel que lui devait avoir quelque méfiance; et la seconde hypothèse est sans doute la plus exacte.

"She's thinking about Kant and the nebular hypothesis," I decided to myself, having once heard some men with long beards talking of both those things, and they all had had that same far-away look in their eyes. "Qu'est-ce que c'est une hypothese nebuleuse, Mademoiselle?" I said aloud. "Tenez-vous bien, et marchez d'une facon convenable," she replied sharply. "Qu'est-ce que c'est une hypothese "

The suggestion is absurd: its chief excuse is the desire to defend the autonomy of the sciences of life, about which we have a word to say later on. But we must first complete our brief mention of the greatest stages on the mechanical side, of which a full and vivid account may be found in such a book as M. Poincaré's Science et Hypothèse.