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Updated: August 16, 2024

It is possible that, if her relations with her Western neighbors, including Great Britain, had been more intimate than they actually were, she might have been saved from a great blunder, and might have come to understand that the English-speaking races were not really so inferior to herself as she took them to be. Her hubris was in part, at all events, the result of ignorance.

She knew that to him she looked foolish even though that time of the Turk's execution in early girlhood had made her immune to the opinions of others. "You're here," he repeated. "So I am," she said in her cold hubris. He blew his smoke into her face. "Well, with the gender factor alone no man and woman are interested in the same things nor are they all that compatible. That's for sure."

Having mastered the manipulation of their human environment they are convinced that they will always "get away with it". They develop hubris and a false sense of immunity. Hence the audacity, simplicity, and transparency of some of the fraud and corporate looting in the 1990's.

She nearly reminded him of those intimacies anyway just to taunt a response from him and thus free the hubris that she was barely able to contain within her. " You know, there is no point in going into any of this." "I'm beginning to draw again. I believe I'm painting some works that will outdo anything I've accomplished before.

But they meant death to the hubris of the Hellenes. Atta was on the side of the invaders; he wished them well in their war with his ancient foes. They would eat them up, Athenians, Lacedaemonians, Corinthians, Aeginetans, men of Argos and Elis, and none would be left to trouble him. But in the meantime something had gone wrong. Clearly there had been no battle.

She cleared her throat and looked on him like an object such as a wall that she would see and her hubris would bypass as immaterial. He had felt it before and hated that look of hers beyond all others. Her treatment of the dog, he assessed, was sometimes better than this. "I think I'll try something," she mumbled aloud contemplatively.

Did he despair of any remedy unless he took the spiritual law, as he had already taken the civil law, into his own hands? Or was even as noble a mind as his not proof against the overweening hubris to which a despotic genius has so often succumbed?

He remembers his mother witnessing this snapping of the crawdad heads, and this, his corruptive influence on the favored one. He recalls how she attempted to embrace this lachrymose Rick in as much as she was capable of embracing anything in her hardened hubris walls, the merciless beatings of him alone with those bear paws of hers, and then taking that favored one shopping without him.

England seems fated to add but one record more to the tedious story of unintelligent tyrant States, illustrating the theme +húbris phyteúei tyrannón+ "insolence begets the tyrant!"

He would call it hubris to have silver spoons when electroplate would do just as well; or to keep a valet for your own personal attendant, making one man into the mere bodily appanage of another; or to buy anything you didn't really need, causing somebody else to do work for you which might otherwise have been avoided. 'Which Mr. Le Breton the elder or the younger one? 'Oh, the younger Ernest.

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