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"Of all the operas that Verdi wrote." "Who's Verdi?" "The best, to my taste, is the 'Trovatore." "'Trovatore? Eddy, isn't that the serenading fellow who goes on singing till they hang him? Oh, Lord, yes! And the anvil chorus! The anvil chorus comes in there. Go on, Eddy. We feel perfectly at home." "And Mario" "Hm! stumped again." "can sooth with a tenor note The souls in Purgatory."

And these incidents of a supernatural character pray tell me about them." Don Clemente said they were visions voices heard in the air. "Hm! Hm!" ejaculated the Abbot, with a complicated play of wrinkled forehead, eyebrows, and lips, as if he were swallowing a mouthful of vinegar. "You said his name was ? His real name?"

This yere morbid cravin' for excitement is rooinin' all the young fellers nowadays." Yan happened to glance at Caleb. He was gazing off at nothing, but there was a twinkle in his eye that Yan never before saw there. "Let's go to the teepee. It's too hot out here. Come in, won't you, Mr. Clark?" "Hm. 'Tain't much cooler in here, even if it is shady," remarked the old Trapper.

The next winning number of the great prize was forty-seven thousand and five. These numbers of course would have to be avoided in the future when writing to Manilla for the tickets. He mumbled, pencil in hand . . . "and five. Hm . . . hm." He wetted his finger: the papers rustled. Ha! But what's this?

"To conclude, the mild-eyed Alderney cow, who pastured in the field during the autumn months, would chew the cud of approbation over the- -hm for hours together, and people said it was no wonder at all that she gave such delicious milk and cream." Here a shout of supposed discovery broke from No. 5. "I've guessed, I know it!" But a "hush" from Aunt Judy stopped him short.

"Then you cannot tell me; and Mrs. Sandford could not either. And I cannot tell. What shall I do?" "Mrs. Sandford maybe get the things for Miss Daisy." "No, she must not. Dr. Sandford wants me to do it. I must get them, Juanita." "Hm! Suppose I put up my irons and walk round to the village and Miss Daisy go in her shay." "To the store!" cried Daisy.

'And now, Mr. Oldeschole, if you have had leisure to consider the question more fully, perhaps you can define to us what is the hum hm the use hm hm the exact use of the Internal Navigation Office?

Would you like to sense its effect as a ventilating agent?" "No danger?" "None, sir. Here, allow me." Herzog took the flask, pressed a little spring and liberated the top. At once a whitish vapor began to coil from the neck of the bottle. "Hm!" grunted Waldron, smiling. "Mountain winds and sea breezes have nothing on that!" He sniffed with appreciation. "Some gas, all right!"

"I can trust Ignacio Chavez; I can trust Julius Struve. And, if you want it in words of one syllable, I cannot trust Caleb Patten!" "Hm," said Engle. "I think you're mistaken there, my boy." "Maybe," returned Norton. "But I can't afford right now to take any unnecessary chances. Which may not sound pretty, but which is the truth." "Of course I'll do what you ask," Engle said.

Suddenly the wind changed and their ears were filled with the hollow boom of cannon. And now, nearer than they could have believed, the crash of volley firing mingled with the whirring crackle of gatlings and the spattering rattle of Montigny mitrailleuses from the Guard artillery. "Fichtre!" said Georges, with a shrug, "not only dancing, but music! What are you sketching, Jack? Let me see. Hm!