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Armistead started her machine, and this battle of hell-cats came to an end. Sylvia rode home in a daze, answering without hearing the prattle of the children. She was appalled at the emotions that possessed her that the sight of Frank Shirley riding down the street could have affected her so! She forgot Mrs. Armistead, she forgot the whole world, in her dismay over her own state of mind.

Hatcher, we had better go now, and then he spoke something I couldn't make out, and all the animals stood still; I slid off, and the little hell-cats, a-pinching my ears and pulling my beard, went off squealing.

The man with the box escaped through the window, and in spite of the fire, troopers, and mob, reached the convent in safety. The castle was burnt to the ground by the torches of the Hell-cats. Sybil, separated from her friends, found herself surrounded by a band of drunken ruffians. She was rescued by a yeomanry officer, who pressed her to his heart. "Never to part again," said Egremont.

"I'll advance," said Field, and so saying he went forward and rang at the gate; the Bishop, on his mule, with a dozen Hell-cats accompanying him; the great body of the people about twenty yards withdrawn. "Who rings?" asked a loud voice.

A lot of hell-cats was a-pulling at his ears, and a-jumping on his shoulders, and swinging themselves to the ground by his long hair. Some was running hot irons into him, but when we came up they went off in a corner, laughing and talking like wildcats' gibberish on a cold night. "Poor Jake! he came to the bar, looking like a sick buffalo in the eye.

The mills ceased; the miners went "to play," despairing of a fair day's wage for a fair day's work; and the inhabitants of Woodgate the Hell-cats, as they were called stirred up by a Chartist delegate, sallied forth with Simon Hatton, named the "liberator," at their head to deal ruthlessly with all "oppressors of the people."

Not a border was trampled on, not a grape plucked; and when they quitted the domain, they gave three cheers for the fair castellan. The Hell-cats and their following were of a different temper to these gentle Lancashire insurgents.

There was a panic among the women, and indignation among the men: a Hell-cat advanced and announced that unless the tommy books were all given up to be burnt, they would pull down the house. There was no reply: some of the Hell-cats advanced; the women cheered; a crowbar fell upon the door; Master Joseph fired, wounded a woman and killed a child.

Lys gathered a body of men in defence of the castle, but came too late to prevent the entrance of the Hell-cats. Singularly enough, Morley and one or two of his followers entered with the liberator. The first great rush was to the cellars, and the invaders were quickly at work knocking off the heads of bottles, and brandishing torches.

Trafford's Mill was saved by the direct intervention of Walter Gerard. All the people of Mowbray knew the good reputation of the Traffords, and Gerard's eloquence turned the mob from the attack. While the liberator and the Hell-cats hesitated, a man named Dandy Mick, prompted by Morley, urged that a walk should be taken in Lord de Mowbray's park.