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Some one had come in and lighted the candles and drawn down the blinds while he was sitting there, and now, as he looked at his watch, he found that it was past five o'clock. He was engaged to dine with Madame Max Goesler at eight, and in his agony he half-resolved that he would send an excuse.

It protrudes its head and part of its body over the brink it is not such a terrible gulf to look into if it should slip down, it could easily crawl out again. Ha! it little knows the enemy that is ambushed there. It perceives something singular an odd something perhaps it might be something good to eat. It is half-resolved to slide down and make a closer examination of this something.

Of the first moneys that Emerson sent Carlyle as fruits of this adventure, the dyspeptic Scotchman wrote that he was "half-resolved to buy myself a sharp little nag with twenty of these trans-Atlantic pounds, and ride him till the other thirty be eaten. I will call the creature 'Yankee. ... My kind friends!" And Yankee was duly bought and ridden.

So unnatural and revolting seems the picture I am drawing, even in its dim outlines, that I turn from it myself, half-resolved to leave it unfinished. But many reasons, stronger than feeling, urge me to complete my task with the imperfect skill I possess, and I take the pencil which I had laid down in shame and disgust, and proceed to fill up more distinctly.

For a moment or two I hesitated; and, indeed, had half-resolved to tell the men to stop the time might yet have sufficed for finishing what he had begun. If he was not dead before two, he would, at least be beyond feeling; and, if the officials chose to take the last step of getting him carried to the gallows, they would in effect be immolating a corpse.

I had never been to the library, and did not even know in what part of the house it was situated; nor had I ever expressed a wish to see it. And that for two reasons: one was, that I had already half-resolved my resolutions were usually of that complexion never to run the risk of appearing desirous of knowing too much; the other and weightier reason was, that I had never loved libraries.

It is needless to say that the hook-and-eye was never included in the illustrious list of Mr. Early's productions. That gentleman frequently blessed himself in private that his first commodity had been put upon the market as the "Imperial," and not as the "Bright and Early" as he had once half-resolved. Only a few knew who was responsible for the bill-boards. Still even his new enterprises paid.

By Heavens, Ben, I knew, at your coming, that you would do mischief; you have been a marplot ever; and after this, I am half-resolved to forswear your society for ever." "Nay, nay! do not say so, Warham. It was unfortunate, I grant you; but how the devil should either of us guess that such a Turk as that was in the bush?" "Enough for the present," said the other.

This he was more ready to do, as he had no suspicion why he was sent for, but on seeing old Polly, he half-resolved to turn back. Margaret, however, led him into the room, and then entreated him not to send away one who had served him so long and so faithfully.

Matters were, in Edith's estimation, assuming a serious aspect, and remembering how pleadingly the name "Miggie" had been uttered, she half-resolved to demand of Arthur the immediate release of the helpless creature thus held in durance vile. But he looked so unhappy, so hopelessly wretched that her sympathy was soon enlisted for him rather than his fair captive.