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Updated: August 8, 2024

Uttered in his light, half-bantering tones, the bitter flavour of the words had passed her by, but now, as she studied the rather stern set of his features, they returned to her with fresh meaning and she felt that their mocking philosophy was to a certain extent indicative of the man's attitude towards life.

Sanguinetti," he swore, and his manner was half-angry, half-bantering; "do you call this friendship?" "My dear Francois" returned the foreigner, "you arrive most inopportunely." "And is that all the greeting you have for me?" Looking more closely, Garnache thought that he recognized in him one of Sanguinetti's companions of yesternight. "But do you not see that I am engaged?"

"I can't go with you, but, speak frankly, is there any man you know whom you can trust well enough to take? It's not too late yet; think a moment!" He paused over the buttoning of the leather apron of the vehicle. "No, there is none," answered the voice from the interior; "and it's better so. Is all ready?" "One moment more." He had recovered his half-bantering manner.

"That can never be the case with Miss Dunstable; especially not at Courcy Castle," said Frank, bowing easily from the corner of the sofa over which he was leaning. "Of course not," said Miss Dunstable; and Frank at once perceived that she spoke in a tone of voice differing much from that half-bantering, half-good-humoured manner that was customary with her.

And Henri lay back and studied it. "It is mademoiselle's fiancé," he said. Jean grunted. "Look at it, Jean," Henri said in his half-bantering tone, with despair beneath it; "and then look at me. Or no remembering me as I was when I was a man. He is better, eh? It is a good face. But there is a jaw, a Do you think he will be kind to her as she requires? She requires much kindness. Some women "

Knowing how she pined for company, Odo was not surprised at his mother's complaisance; yet wondered to see the smile with which she presently received the Count's half-bantering disparagement of Pianura.

Raleigh to be so long, and I'm afraid I can't wait any longer. I've got to dress for mess." "Goodness!" said Audrey, with a glance at the clock. "Does it take you two hours? No, don't scowl! I'm only joking, so you needn't be cross. Good-bye, then! Thank you for being kind to me." Her hand lay in his for a moment. She was smiling at him rather sadly, notwithstanding her half-bantering words.

No more words were spoken for a time, and at last, with the hunger of both pretty well assuaged, Waller began to note the humour of the position, and in a half-bantering way exclaimed: "Here, I say, you ought to leave a snack for the soldiers when they come." The lad's hand dropped, and he turned, with a wild look, to fix his eyes on Waller's.

Mon was still trying to lead him away from that threshold and Sarrion still stood his ground. Their half-bantering talk suddenly collapsed, and they stood looking at each other in silence for a moment. Both were what may be called "ready" men, quick to catch a thought and answer. "I will tell you," said Sarrion quietly, "why I am going into this house.

The pretty face has managed it a bit too well already, eh? Tu many o' mun, pure fellows? Well, 'tain't every mayden has her pick and choose, like some I know of, as be blest in love by stars above. So you hain't made up your mind, then?" Rose shook her head. "Ah well," she went on, in a half-bantering tone. "Not so asy, is it, then? One's gude for one thing, and one for another, eh?

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