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No word, either by letter or by native word of mouth, had arrived from Michael. Even to Hadassah's generous mind, Michael Amory's conduct seemed strange and inexplicable. His silence, in a manner, condemned him as casual, even if he was not guilty. She began to wonder if he had been carried off his feet by Millicent, if he had been weak and forgetful of Margaret for a little time.

Zarah was afraid to raise her eyes to Hadassah's when they met, lest she should encounter that stern look again; but never had the aged lady's face worn an expression of greater tenderness than it did when, on the housetop, she rejoined the child of her love.

Hadassah's eyes looked into the future, "with this cruel, cruel war only beginning, for we are really just getting into it!" She had been preparing to write some letters relating to Margaret's affairs, but for a moment or two she did not take up her pen.

Veiled figures hurried to it, carrying their knitting, proud and pleased to be imitating the efforts of the European ladies in Egypt, and knit they did from morning until night, with the patience and endurance of the uncomplaining East. Hadassah's letter greatly disturbed Margaret.

"Mother, remember your dream!" exclaimed Zarah, who, in the secret depths of her heart, did not share Hadassah's regret. Compassion for the suffering admiration for the beautiful and brave, combined to awaken in the maiden strong interest in the fate of the stranger.

Last season she was the fashion; she entertained lavishly. This year she has thrown caution to the winds." "She certainly has, for she has positively hunted Michael to earth." "Michael Amory, of all men!" Hadassah's laugh encouraged Margaret; it was so expressive of what she herself felt.

On the eve of that day of sore trial, the spring behind the dwelling had quite dried up: not a single drop gushed forth from the hill to revive the fading oleanders. Just before sunset a laden mule was driven to the door of Hadassah's humble retreat.

I know I would it's a terrible responsibility, inspiring your men as well as teaching them, but one can't shelter oneself while others face greater risks." Hadassah's quick brain read the truth, while Margaret merely lost herself in visualizing the dangers which Michael would so soon have to face. The twelve days would be gone so soon that they were scarcely worth counting.

Hadassah's first object was to seek out Abner, and, with all the persuasions which a mother could use, to try to draw him back from a course which must end in eternal destruction. But Abner was not to be found in Jerusalem, nor in any part of the country around it.

He was her pride, her delight, the object of her fondest hopes; Abner's very faults seemed almost to become graces, viewed through the medium of Hadassah's intense love. Many years now flowed on, with little to disturb their even tenor. Miriam, the only daughter of Hadassah, was married to Abishai; Abner was united to a fair maiden whom his mother could receive love as a daughter indeed.