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Updated: August 17, 2024

I demeaned myself, and, as a barber, gave him a "smooth, dark face with its keen, frank eye, and firm jaw." Later on he looked in at the club and saw Freddy Vavasour, polo team captain, dawdling over grilled bone No. 1. "Dear old boy," began Van Sweller; but in an instant I had seized him by the collar and dragged him aside with the scantiest courtesy.

"By all the saints, that is well put!" cried Stampoff. "Now, Sergius, my lamb, a really good omelet, something grilled, and a bottle of sound Karlowitz none of your Danube water for me!" The President surrendered at discretion. Alec's appeal to his self importance was irresistible.

Suppose, now, you had not sold the animal. Would you say he had a chance to win the Handicap?" "Judge," said Old Man Curry earnestly, "I would have bet on him from hell to breakfast. Now I don't know's I would put a nickel on him." "Neither would I, suh. And, speaking of breakfast, Mr. Curry, will yo' join me in a grilled kidney?"

"Gad, she can move. You must have pretty urgent business to push her along like this." "Want to buy some collars as a matter of fact," said the young man. "No point wasting time on a job of that kind." At the flat in Albemarle Street Anthony Barraclough sat alone devouring a grilled steak. He was reticent of speech and every now and then he shot a glance at the clock.

And they descended to the grill-room, which was relatively noisy, and where her roses were less conspicuous than the helmet of Navarre, and her frock found its sisters and cousins from far lands. "I'm not much for these restaurants," she said, over grilled kidneys. "No?" he responded tentatively. "I'm sorry. I thought the other night "

Yet, had my genius been better educated in the science of French cookery, this might have been served up with higher seasoning as a savoury ragout: but you get it in simplicity, scarce grilled; and in sooth, good world, it is easier to sneer at a novel than to imagine one; and far more self-complacency may be gained by manfully affecting to despise the novelist, than by adding to his honours in the compliment of humble imitation.

Was it the almost sepulchral silence of the place, the careful drawing of every shutter, the fact that the grilled gateway leading to the court of honor was locked? I did not know; I don't know yet; but I had an odd, eerie feeling. It seemed like a place of waiting, of watching, and of gloom. This was unreasonable; it was even down-right ridiculous.

Salt, of course, must with the unsalted meat be eaten. But suppose there is nothing on the table that a child may with impunity eat? He should then have either a grilled mutton chop, or a lightly-boiled egg; indeed, the latter, at any time, makes an excellent change.

These are generally grilled, fried or baked. To fry, cut in slices and flour. Use only just enough fat. Bake with or without fat. Medium-sized tomatoes take about 30 mins. STUFFED. Cut a slice off the top like a lid. Scoop out the pulp and mix to a stiff paste with bread-crumbs, a little finely-chopped onion, and a pinch of savoury herbs.

He ate a piece of salmon grilled over alder chips and drank a glass of Oregon Sauvignon Blanc. The waiter brought a double espresso. Oliver opened the envelope with misgivings. There was a check and a note: Oliver, if I give this to you, it is because you are my son. I can not know until I meet you. I plan to be back home in Kamakura after the first of the year. Maybe you will visit.

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