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And I wonder when Sophy was christened. I never knew who any of her godfathers and godmothers were. Did you, Sophy? 'No she was looking up at her father. A sudden flush of colour came over his face, and he left the room in haste. 'Why, Sophy! exclaimed Lucy, 'one would think you had not been christened at all! Even the light Lucy was alarmed at the sound of her own words.

So I know they looked about for crafty little chances to piece out and supplement small ways and means; to put little traps of good luck in the way for people to stumble upon, and to act the part generally of a human limited providence, which is a better thing than fairy godmothers, or enchanted cats, or frogs under the bridge at the world's end, in which guise the gentle charities clothed themselves in the old elf fables, that were told, I truly believe, to be lived out in real doing, as much as the New Testament Parables were.

Martin's child, a girl. A great deal of good plain company. After sitting long, till the church was done, the Parson comes, and then we to christen the child. I was Godfather, and Mrs. Noble, were Godmothers. After the christening comes in the wine and the sweetmeats, and then to prate and tattle, and then very good company they were, and I among them. Here was old Mrs.

Back to dinner to Sir William Batten's; and then, after a walk in the fine gardens, we went to Mrs. Browne's, where Sir W. Pen and I were godfathers, and Mrs. Jordan and Shipman godmothers to her boy. And there, before and after the christening; we were with the woman above in her chamber; but whether we carried ourselves well or ill, I know not; but I was directed by young Mrs. Batten.

Nancy Joe grew red about the eyelids and began to blow her nose. "Here's the prazon, darling," whispered Pete, and Kate rose to her feet. The company rose with her, and stood in a half-circle before the fire. It was now between daylight and dark, and the firelight flashed in their faces. "Are the godfather and godmothers present?" the parson asked. "Mr.

The Prince's christening was to be a grand affair. According to the custom of the country, there were chosen for him four-and-twenty god-fathers and godmothers, who each had to give him a name, and promise to do their utmost for him. When he came of age, he himself had to choose the name and the godfather or god-mother that he liked the best, for the rest of his days. Meantime all was rejoicing.

''Tis a tramp of discovery, sir, to where bog ends and cultivation begins. 'Bequeathed to you exclusively over the head of your elder brother, I understand. Patrick nodded assent. 'But my purse is Philip's, and my house, and my horses. 'Not bequeathed by a member of your family? 'By a distant cousin, chancing to have been one of my godmothers. 'Women do these things, Mr.

She anxiously thought over which of the fairies she would invite to be godmothers, so as to secure the best gift, for her adopted child. At last she decided on two very kindly and cheerful fairies, and asked them to the christening feast. Directly it was over the baby was brought to them in a lovely crystal cradle hung with red silk curtains embroidered with gold.

Before long I learnt that my companion's name was Maton; this at least was her surname, and I did not feel any curiosity to know the name of the he or she saint whom her godmothers had constituted her patron at the baptismal font. I asked her if she could write French as well as she spoke it, and she shewed me a letter by way of sample.

Well, when little Tahuti or little Sen-senb was born in Thebes fifteen hundred years before Christ, there were fairy godmothers too, who presided over the great event; and there were others called the Hathors, who foretold all that was going to happen to the little boy or girl as the years went on. The baby was kept a baby much longer in those days than our little ones are kept.