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"Look here, now," said Mary Ellen, in an aside, to us, "he seems a nice ould gentlemin enough, but think av the throuble ye got us in over Giftie, sure I won't have yez experimentalling wid grandfathers." Granfa appeared to have overheard, for he spoke up. "I just want to bide here a little while, my dearie, till I hear from my son in South Americer.

Mary Ellen sat in an attitude of complete abandon, by the dresser, her apron over her head, her arms hanging loosely at her sides. Was Giftie dead? Had her owner come to fetch her? What horror had overcast the sun? We deluged her with questions, pulling the apron off her head, and dragging her from the chair. "Och, it's a terror she is," Mary Ellen said, at last.

The tall lady came toward us smiling broadly. She exclaimed above the din: "How can I thank you? I see you have brought home our little wanderer Giftie, how can you treat Colin so? Poor Colin lift him up, Giles, she's going to bite him again I suppose there are pups in the hamper. Let's see, boys." We uncovered the hamper proudly. The three puppies lay curled like little sea anemones.

Do you expect to go there and live in it? 'Yes, Jerrie replied, in the same light tone. 'I am going to Germany sometime going to Wiesbaden, and I mean to find that house and the picture which Miss Raymond says I am so much like; then I shall know how I look to others. You remember the couplet: "Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us, To see ourselfs as others see us!"

Out streamed this voice: "'Twere the last of June, twa-three days after the laird rode to Edinburgh, and she brought my mither a giftie of plums and sat doon for a crack with her. By he came and stood and talked. Syne the clouds thickened and the thunder growlit, and he wad walk with her hame through the glen " "Wha wad? Wha?" "Captain Ian Rullock." "Ian Rullock!" "Aye, Glenfernie!

He discovered our presence first, and, before we had time to introduce ourselves, he and Giftie, with bristling backs, were jumping about one another in a sort of friendly hostility, and filling the air with barks of greeting. Giftie, then, darted for the hamper, sniffed it, ran back to the other Scotty, and bit him so that he yelped. All was confusion.

"Boys, do you like Giftie very much?" "Oh, we love her," we chorused. "Would you like one of her puppies for your very own to keep?" Would we? We couldn't speak for longing. Mrs. Handsomebody spoke for us. "I allow no pets, canine or otherwise." The tall lady scowled. "But these are valuable dogs." "All dogs are alike to me. Canines." The tall lady gave something between a snort and a sigh.

'Horrible! She faced round upon her suddenly. 'I wonder what you think of us all? You are as demure as a fieldmouse, but I know those big eyes of yours have taken our measures by this time. Come, let us have it, "the whole truth," you know. Don't be Ananias and keep back part of the price. "Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us, to see oorsels as ithers see us." I delight in revelations.

MY DEAR FRIEND, I have begun to look upon myself as an old man. I never did before. I have felt so young, so much at least as I always have done, that I could n't fairly take in the idea. The giftie has n't been gi'ed me to see myself as others see me. Even yet, when they get up to offer me the great chair, I can't understand it.

It was a heavy morning of dense November fog, and the gas was still burning in the dining-room when we came down to breakfast. Mary Ellen did not bring us our porridge, as usual, neither did Giftie run in to greet us; so, after a moment's impatient wriggling in our chairs, we went to the kitchen to investigate. Giftie was nowhere in sight.