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Superior fittin's, net on the roof, baggage platform, pistol 'olsters the most com-plete and the most gen-teel turn-out I ever see! The 'ole for seventy-five pound! It's as good as givin' her away!" "Do you propose I should trundle it myself, like a hawker's barrow?" said I. "Why, my good man, if I had to stop here, anyway, I should prefer to buy a house and garden!"

'And make your fortun' out of hand? added the Dodger, with a grin. 'And so be able to retire on your property, and do the gen-teel: as I mean to, in the very next leap-year but four that ever comes, and the forty-second Tuesday in Trinity-week, said Charley Bates. 'I don't like it, rejoined Oliver, timidly; 'I wish they would let me go. I I would rather go.

'Answer the captain instantly, cried Hugh, beating his hat down on his head; 'why don't you ever tell what trade you're of? 'I'm of as gen-teel a calling, brother, as any man in England as light a business as any gentleman could desire. 'Was you 'prenticed to it? asked Mr Tappertit. 'No. Natural genius, said Mr Dennis. 'No 'prenticing. It come by natur'. Muster Gashford knows my calling.

He will stop before your gate, and say to his female companion with an air of constitutional humility and propitiation to edify any one who may be within hearing behind a blind or a bush 'This is a sweet spot, ain't it? A lovelly spot! And I wonder if they'd give two poor footsore travellers like me and you, a drop of fresh water out of such a pretty gen-teel crib?

As likewise, added John, 'similarly was her gen-teel family. His chivalrous feeling towards all that belonged to her made him so very respectable, in spite of his small stature and his rather weak legs, and his very weak hair, and his poetical temperament, that a Goliath might have sat in his place demanding less consideration at Arthur's hands.

'Well, said Mr. Weller, 'there's somethin' in that; and I wish your mother-in-law 'ud only conduct her conwersation on the same gen-teel principle. Ain't you a-goin' to sign it? 'That's the difficulty, said Sam; 'I don't know what to sign it. 'Sign it "Veller", said the oldest surviving proprietor of that name. 'Won't do, said Sam. 'Never sign a walentine with your own name.

It's a book fit for a babby, and I'm not a babby. If you was to leave me a doll, I shouldn't nuss it. How have I been conducting of myself? Why, I've been drunk for three days; and I'da been drunk four if I'da had the money. Don't I never mean for to go to church? No, I don't never mean for to go to church. I shouldn't be expected there, if I did; the beadle's too gen-teel for me.

Hubble might like to see you in your new gen-teel figure too, Pip," said Joe, industriously cutting his bread, with his cheese on it, in the palm of his left hand, and glancing at my untasted supper as if he thought of the time when we used to compare slices. "So might Wopsle. And the Jolly Bargemen might take it as a compliment." "That's just what I don't want, Joe.

Dear boy, and Pip's comrade, you two may count upon me always having a gen-teel muzzle on. Muzzled I have been since that half a minute when I was betrayed into lowness, muzzled I am at the present time, muzzled I ever will be." Herbert said, "Certainly," but looked as if there were no specific consolation in this, and remained perplexed and dismayed.

As considered from other points of view, such cases will always involve more or less unpleasantness. Very strange things comes to our knowledge in families, miss; bless your heart, what you would think to be phenomenons, quite." Volumnia, with her innocent little scream, supposes so. "Aye, and even in gen-teel families, in high families, in great families," says Mr.