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To tell you the truth," the young man confided, glancing around and lowering his voice so that no one should share the momentous information, "I was lucky enough to pick up a small share in Jere Moore's racing stable at Newmarket, the other day. I fancy I know a little more about gee-gees than I do about the inside of motors, what?"

But she only swung herself backwards and forwards on his knee and repeated very fast, as if she were saying a lesson: "Please, father, take Dickie to see gee-gees." There was evidently no chance of getting rid of her unless this question were answered, and the sermon must really be finished.

"Anna, by Jupiter," he cried, as he stepped from the pavement at the very corner of Dover Street "well, if my luck don't beat cock-fighting. Where are you off to, Anna what have you done with the shoving-machine? I thought you never aired the gee-gees now. Something new for you, isn't it? May I get in and have a pawt? We shall be fined forty bob and costs at Marlborough Street if we hold up the traffic. Say, you look ripping in this char

He would have liked to go on with his sermon, but he always found it impossible to send Dickie away if she once succeeded in getting into his study. "What does Dickie want?" he asked rather absently. "Please, father, take Dickie to see gee-gees," she repeated in exactly the same tone as at first.

In the evening she took Mother to a Travel Lecture. The colored Slides were mingled with St. Vitus Glimpses of swarming Streets and galloping Gee-Gees. They came home google-eyed and had to feel their way into the Domicile. Tuesday A. M. dawned overcast with shifting winds from the N. E.. Loretta pried herself away from the third Waffle in order to hike to the corner and jack up Mr.

Looking down he saw that it was Dickie, who, having made her way in, stood at his elbow with eager eyes and a bright flush of excitement on her cheeks. "Please, father," she said at once, "take Dickie to see the gee-gees." The vicar pushed back his chair a little and lifted her on to his knee.

'I don't usually mingle myself up with the bickerings of the Junior Service, but it trarnspired that he was Secretary o' State for Civil War, an' he'd been issuing mechanical leather-belly gee-gees which doctors recommend for tumour to the British cavalry in loo of real meat horses, to learn to ride on.

"Don Manoel Alcorta was a superb effort as an authority on gee-gees. Wally tells me his donship is the recognized expert south of the line on seismic disturbances, and spends his days and nights watching a needle making scratches on a sensitive plate." "He would be useful here in a day or two," said Winter. "Ah, thanks! Is that a tip?" "Not for publication.

"Galahad, or Gallipot, or Golly-wog," said Dalton. "If a man has a silly name like that, it doesn't matter how you spell it. The point is that it would be simply ridiculous to attempt that sort of thing now. Suppose, for instance I put it to you, padre. Suppose you saw Maitland mounted on one of the transport gee-gees trotting tap to that tin cathedral of yours on a week-day, mind!

If you don't hit other people when you can, the time will probably come when they'll hit you." It was an ugly philosophy and Raymond, looking within, applied to it himself. Then he put his own thoughts away. "And how are the gee-gees?" he asked. "As a 'gentleman backer, I can't say I'm going very strong," confessed Neddy. "On the whole, I think it's a mug's game.