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But apparently the German soldier could not appreciate these frivolous references to the sacred iron cross, for he glowered upon the young Englishman, and turned away with a black look. "Hi, Fritzie, cawrn't yer tike a joke?" the sailor persisted. Tom thought it must be much better fun to be an English soldier than a German soldier.

The Woggle-bug was enraptured; and, although the divine Bridget was waltzing with Fritzie Casey, the Insect rushed to her side and, seizing her with all his four arms at once, cried out in his truly educated Bostonian way: "Oh, my superlative conglomeration of beauty! I have found you at last!"

The kiltie was an undersized chap and Fritz was about twice his size, and with a much longer bayonet, and Jock seemed to be getting a bit tired. I didn't think it wise to wait, even though I felt very certain that Jock could hold his own, and taking careful aim with my revolver I tumbled the Fritzie over.

I never worked with more love and energy than I did that night, and never did I spit more liberally on each individual shell as it was shoved into place for departure. Inside of twenty minutes Fritzie decided that the pastime of shelling Bully-Grenay with gas shells was not as funny as it was cracked up to be; he broke off short and quick.

One day he said, "There's a fat Fritzie in that balloon that I'd like to get my hands on; he must have a grudge against me, for he shells me every time I go down the communication trench." So Charlie was tickled to death when that particular balloon was brought down. Well, Jack, our next trip in was at Hill 60, and it was a warm spot not artillery fire this time, but trench mortars.

They made no secret of this dangerous topic perhaps because they knew the idea of escape from the clutches of Germany was so preposterous. In any event, "Fritzie" did not seem greatly interested. They were grouped at the station, a woebegone looking lot, despite their blithe demeanor. There were a dozen or more of them, in every variety of military and naval rags and tatters.

"Ah had one of them last night. Dreamed Ah saw a feller that had shot hisself that I saw one time reconnoitrin' out in the Bringy Wood." "What was that?" "Nawthin', juss a Fritzie had shot hisself." "Better than opium," said Andrews, his voice trembling with sudden excitement. "Ah dreamed the flies buzzin' round him was aeroplanes.... Remember the last rest village?"

Bridget uttered a shriek, and Fritzie Casey doubled two fists that looked like tombstones, and advanced upon the intruder. Still embracing the plaid costume with two arms, the Woggle-Bug tipped Mr. Casey over with the other two. But Bridget made a bound and landed with her broad heel, which supported 180 pounds, firmly upon the Insect's toes.

Then we noticed that the number of shells falling above us had greatly increased we lit our candles again, but it was no use there seemed to be a terrific bombardment on and the concussion was so great that we could not keep our lights going. Fritzie was certainly making up for lost time.

"It's a bloomin' lot o' difference," said the sailor, "whether you're civilian or not, I can jolly well tell you! It's a short course in Wittenberg there and Slopsgotten, or wotever they calls it. And the Spanish Ambassador, 'e calls to inquire arfter yer 'ealth every d'y. Hi there, Fritzie, 'ave we long to wite, old pal?"