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On that theory, there have been no supernatural revelation, no miracles; Christ is not risen, and we are yet in our sins. It is not thus that this matter is regarded abroad. The Christians of Germany say that the only alternative these theories leave us, is Heathenism or Christianity; "Heidenthum oder Christenthum, Die Frage der Zeit." Janet.

The picket line, approaching its sixth month of duty, had aroused the country to an unprecedented interest in suf- frage; it had rallied widespread public support to the amend- ment as a war measure, and had itself become almost univer- sally accepted if not universally approved.

There are no expressions that repel, no verses that jar, no poems that wholly lack fancy, and there are occasional evidences of the inspiration that rebounds. It would be presumptuous to ask for a more amiable poem than "Frühlingstrost" , or for a neater one than "Der Nichterhörte" , or for a more gently roguish one than the triolett entitled "Frage" .

Weil der gute Amfortas So lang in bittern Schmerzen lag, Und ihn die Frage lange mied, Ist ihnen alles Fragen leid; All des Grales Dienstgesellen Wollen sich nicht mehr fragen lassen. The same explanation is made in the mediaeval poem "Lohengrin."

Studium der Akromegalie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Frage nach dem zusammenhang der Akromegalie mit Hypophysenganggeschwulste, Virchow's Archiv., 1907, lxxxvi., 197. "It would be best to print the words as clearly as I can, wouldn't it?" she suggested, suppressing her desire to laugh. "That depends on your handwriting. Try a line and let me see, please."

She has nothing but scorn for that feminine sentiment which particularly characterizes the Latin races. The sentiment of justice and humanity is weakness and Germany is and ought to be force. Wo Preussens Macht in Frage kommt, kenne ich kein Gesetz, said Bismarck "When the power of Prussia is in question I know no law." *Enemies Most Welcome.* The German does not ask to be loved.

Georgiana, glancing at the first marked reference, found cause to credit this statement, for it read: Cagnetto: Zur Frage der Anat. Beziehung zwischen Akromegalie u. Hypophysistumor, Virchow's Archiv., 1904, clxxvi., 115. Neuer Beitrag. f.

and the opening words of Hamlet's soliloquy with the German: "Sein oder Nichtsein, das ist hier die Frage." Of the former pair he greatly preferred the English, of the latter the German. Sometimes we discussed at great length the exact English equivalent of some German or French word. I remember one which he came back to again and again, the word leichtsinnig.

Haller, Elementa Physiologiæ, 1778, vol. vii, p. 57. Hammond, Sexual Impotence, p. 129. Fürbringer, Senator and Kaminer, Health and Disease in Relation to Marriage, vol. i, p. 221. Forel, Die Sexuelle Frage, p. 80. Guyot, Bréviaire de l'Amour Expérimental, p. 144. Erb, Ziemssen's Handbuch, Bd. xi, ii, p. 148. Guttceit also considered that the very wide variations found are congenital and natural.