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But even as he spake he turned and started, for, from the ward below a hunting horn brayed feebly. "'Tis our forester's rally, master!" quoth he, "and see Jesu, what men are these?" For into the courtyard, followed by many who gaped and stared in wonderment, six men staggered, men hideously stained and besplashed from head to foot, and foremost came two.

We can pitch it without the aid of tent poles by simply hanging it be ween two trees to which a rope has been stretched. The Hudson Bay tent, trapper's tent, forester's tent, canoe tent, and a dozen others, including an Indian tepee and wigwam, are all good tents for special purposes.

"I'm afraid I thought you had," she admitted, grown happy in an instant. "You see, I had an appointment with a man in West Weston on some work I've been doing for him. After I heard this plan of Doctor Forester's I had only just time to catch a train and get out there.

'Not far from here lives the forester; I will run for him and he will help you. I ran as fast as I could but not to the forester's house. "'Petrik, do not leave me. I am afraid, called Stephen after me, and right after that followed a cry: "'Mother mine!

"Here is de place," said the adept, "and if you do not find de water here, I will give you all leave to call me an impudent knave." "I shall take that license," whispered the Antiquary to Lovel, "whether the water is discovered or no." A servant, who had come up with a basket of cold refreshments, was now despatched to a neighbouring forester's hut for a mattock and pick-axe.

When they had passed the gate, they turned the screens round and leaned them against the wall; one of them represented a badly painted tiled stove, another the door of a country cottage, perhaps a forester's cottage. Others a wood, a window, and a library. She understood. It was the scenery of a play. And after a while she recognised the rose tree from Faust.

Forester's words, a dim realization came to her of that great truth, which, once grasped, brings calm trust and faith the truth which promises that obedience to the voice of conscience keeps the soul in harmony with its Creator, so that outward circumstances cannot really harm or hurt.

After reaching the depths of the forest, 'twas no easy matter to find the exact paths they had traversed in the afternoon. The groom carried a lantern, but 'twas Lord Cedric's order not to light it. There were shooting lodges and forester's cabins, other abodes there were none save the old monastery, and to which of these places to go was left altogether to the toss of a penny.

As he observed carefully all the usual forms towards his lady, he had the art to deprive her even of the compassion of the world; and useless and unavailing as that may be while actually possessed by the sufferer, it is, to a mind like Lady Forester's, most painful to know she has it not. The tattle of society did its best to place the peccant husband above the suffering wife.

It is not fit that the heiress of Arnwood should mix herself up with forester's daughters; and as we had friends near Lymington who offered to assist us, and take our sisters under their charge, we thought it better that they should go; for what would become of them, if any accident was to happen to Edward or to me? Now they will be provided for.