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Silvics, which may be said to be the knowledge of how trees behave in health and disease toward each other, and toward light, heat, moisture, and the soil, is the foundation of forestry and the Forester's first task is to bring himself to a high point of efficiency in observing and interpreting these facts of the forest, and to keep himself there.

'If it's funerals or a forester's supper, a concert or a wedding, Abel went on, quite undaunted, 'I'm your man. Reddin laughed. 'It might be the last, he said. 'Wedding or bedding, either or both, I suppose, said the publican, who was counted a wit. Reddin gave a great roar of laughter. 'Both! he said.

I am under as much obligation to carry out the conditions of Homer Forester's will as I am to be faithful to your interests," the lawyer replied, with inflexible integrity. "Then you will no longer be faithful to me you will transact no more business for me," Mrs. Montague asserted, with angry brow and compressed lips.

"But it seems mair reasonable to me now, that you, Bailie, or anybody that has anything to say against me, should prove my guilt, and no to be bidding me prove my innocence." "I don't sit here," answered the magistrate, "to dispute points of law with you. I ask you, if you choose to answer my question, whether you were at Ringan Aikwood, the forester's, upon the day I have specified?"

If a choice had been allowed him, he would have selected some high-born dame for the purpose; but as this was out of the question and as, indeed, Henry had of late proved insensible to the attractions of all the beauties that crowded his court except Anne Boleyn he trusted to the forester's fair granddaughter to accomplish his object.

Henry, who always perceived quickly what passed in the minds of others, guessed at Forester's thoughts by his countenance, and forebore to produce his own money, though he had it just ready in his hand: he knew that he could call again at the watchmaker's, and give what he pleased, without ostentation.

At about two hundred paces from the Forester's but the path turned off from the highway, so that we might be seen from the windows thereof; and scarce had the sleigh turned into this cross-road, when the door of the lodge was opened and my uncle and Gotz came forth. The son had his arm laid on his father's shoulder and they gazed at us.

Before the door of the forester's dwelling a young woman, her arms bare to the elbow, was chopping wood with a hatchet on a block of stone. She was tall, slender, strong-a true girl of the woods, daughter and wife of a forester. A voice called from within the house: "We are alone to-night, Berthine; you must come in. It is getting dark, and there may be Prussians or wolves about."

Marjory saw the eyes of mother and daughter travel over her person from head to foot or rather, as she expressed it to herself, from hat to shoes and she felt as if that cold scrutiny would shrivel her up. She herself, although she did not stare, quickly took in the details of Mrs. Hilary Forester's very fashionable attire. She had never seen anything like it in Heathermuir before.

If Miss Forester was married and had a child, that child, if living, is Homer Forester's heir, and I must find her. Now, if you know anything about these people that will assist me in my search, it becomes your duty to reveal it to me." "I cannot; I do not know of anything that will assist you," sullenly returned Mrs.