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Plans for the winter Salmon River Abundance of salmon west of the mountains New arrangements Caches Cerre's detachment Movements in Fontenelle's camp Departure of the Blackfeet Their fortunes Wind Mountain streams Buckeye, the Delaware hunter, and the grizzly bear Bones of murdered travellers Visit to Pierre's Hole Traces of the battle Nez Perce Indians Arrival at Salmon River

Certainly no such fancies were to be expected from the French peasants of Fontenelle's age, 'creatures blackened with the sun, and bowed with labour and hunger. The imaginative grace of Battus is quite as remote from our own hinds.

The history of the Church and Empire by Le Sueur, Bossuett's Discourses on Universal History, Plutarch's Lives, the history of Venice by Nani, Ovid's Metamorphoses, La Bruyere, Fontenelle's World, his Dialogues of the Dead, and a few volumes of Moliere, were soon ranged in my father's closet, where, during the hours he was employed in his business, I daily read them, with an avidity and taste uncommon, perhaps unprecedented at my age.

The books I would particularly recommend, are Cardinal Retz's maxims, Rochefoucault's moral reflections, Bruyere's characters, Fontenelle's plurality of worlds, Sir Josiah Child on trade, Bollinbroke's works; for style, his remarks on the history of England, under the name of Sir John Oldcastle; Puffendorff's Jus Gentium, and Grotius de Jure Belli et Pacis: the last two are well translated by Barbeyrac.

When the company broke up I offered my hand to Hebe, and escorted her and her sister to their room. We had begun to read Fontenelle's "Plurality of Worlds," and I had thought we should finish it that night; but Clementine said that as she had to get up early, she would want to get to sleep early also. "You are right, dearest Hebe, do you go to bed, and I will read to you."

Another work of Fontenelle's 'On the Plurality of Worlds' influenced the mind of Lalande in making choice of a profession. "It is with pleasure," says Lalande himself in a preface to the book, which he afterwards edited, "that I acknowledge my obligation to it for that devouring activity which its perusal first excited in me at the age of sixteen, and which I have since retained."

Out in the streets the moonlight lay in broad silver bands, like white glistening ribbon spread in shining strips across the blackness, and there was a moisture in the air which, dropped as it were fresh, from the surrounding hills, cooled Fontenelle's flushed face and burning brows. He walked rapidly, he had a vague, unformed desire in his mind to see Sylvie again if possible.

He wrote for Thomas Corneille part of "Psyché" and of "Bellerophon" ; for Donneau le Visé the comedy of "La Comète" ; for Beauval the "Éloge" on Perrault ; for Catherine Bernard part of her tragedy of "Brutus" , a discourse for the prize of eloquence given by the French Academy, and signed by Brunel ; and part of "L'Analyse des infiniments petits" for the Marquis de l'Hôpital . This is merely part of the work turned out of Fontenelle's factory before the death of La Bruyère.

We might almost be brothers by our looks and also I believe by our temperaments!" Fontenelle's hazel eyes flashed angrily. "I think not!" he said coldly, "A certain resemblance between totally unrelated persons is quite common. For the rest, we are absolutely different absolutely!" Again Miraudin laughed. "As you will, Marquis!" and he raised his hat with a light, half- mocking air, "Au revoir!"

Second thoughts caused them to moderate their fury. They recollected the severe lesson just received, and could not but remark the strength of Fontenelle's position; which had been chosen with great judgment. A formal talk ensued.