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He then turned away from him, and, returning to the inn, wrote a scarcely intelligible note to Flora Mac-Ivor, intimating his purpose to wait upon her that evening. The messenger brought back a letter in Flora's beautiful Italian hand, which seemed scarce to tremble even under this load of misery.

They lifted 'em out o' Flora's Temple reverent, but not wastin' time whilst I found out what had brought her down. One cylinder was misfirin'. I didn't stop to fix it. My Renzalaer will hold up on six. We've proved that. If her crew had relied on my guarantees, they'd have been half-way home by then, instead of takin' their seats with hangin' heads like they was ashamed.

In a flash-back she could see those seventeen years of beefsteak suppers; his temples at-their trick of working. Seventeen years all cluttered up with bed casters, bathtub stoppers, and poultry wiring. That party back there at Flora's. The lotto and tiddledywinks tables laid out. Zoe caught! She closed over his wrists with a little predatory grip. "Albert, don't do that! Don't take her back.

It's no the way o' this Session tae cut aff ony member o' the flock at a stroke, and we 'ill no begin with Flora Campbell. A' move, Moderator, that her case be left tae her faither and yersel, and oor neebur may depend on it that Flora's name and his ain will be mentioned in oor prayers, ilka mornin' an' nicht till the gude Shepherd o' the sheep brings her hame."

Presently he spoke: "Those two girls are both clever, as clever as they make 'em, but Cary's cleverness is full of ozone, while Flora's is permeated with a narcotic. Cary's tricks make one laugh, but the other girl's give one the shivers." "Oh, is it as bad as that?" I said, in affright. "Don't you like her?" "Like her!" reflected the Angel, slowly. "I hate her." I gasped.

He met with a family of orphans, the eldest of whom had been qualifying herself for a governess, and needed nothing but age and finish; and in ten minutes after the project had been conceived, he had begun to put it in execution, in spite of Flora's prudent demurs.

Not that I meant any harm, but I was being a little silly about her and she was about me, too! Not that I'd leave my wife and babies for any Broadway beauty under the sun " "Oh, Tracey! And you weren't going to tell me " Was there real jealousy now, or just pretense on Flora's part? "You understand, don't you, Dundee?" Tracey demanded, man to man.

It was up the course of this last stream that Waverley, like a knight of romance, was conducted by the fair Highland damsel, his silent guide. A small path, which had been rendered easy in many places for Flora's accommodation, led him through scenery of a very different description from that which he had just quitted.

Still there was a coolness on the part of that lady: or might it not be that Flora's imagination deceived her? There was another, and even a more serious cause of grief weighing upon her mind.

Give this to my dearest Rose; it is her poor Flora's only ornament of value, and was the gift of a princess. She put into his hands a case containing the chain of diamonds with which she used to decorate her hair. 'To me it is in future useless. The kindness of my friends has secured me a retreat in the convent of the Scottish Benedictine nuns in Paris.