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She stepped down then and went back to her seat with Squint Rodaine and the son, fidgeting there again, craning her neck as before, while Fairchild, son of a man just accused of murder, watched her with eyes fascinated from horror. The coroner looked at a slip of paper in his hand. "William Barton," he called.

You've undone that buckle, Arthur." "So I have I was just fidgeting." He fastened the strap again, his fingers moving clumsily and slowly. It struck her that he was trying to gain time, that he wanted to tell her something. "Anything the matter, Arthur?" "Nothing why?" "Oh, it struck me you looked worried." "What should I be worried about?" "There's a lot of things you might be worried about.

They stood in a row fidgeting and glancing at each other. "Now," she demanded of Calvaster, "point out which one you bribed." Calvaster remained motionless and mute. "Hurt him, Guntello," said Brinnaria. Guntello applied a few. simple twists and squeezes, such as schoolboys of all climes employ on their victims. Calvaster yielded at once and indicated one of the suspects.

He had not expected this. His mental uneasiness manifested itself in his manner, and his fidgeting was not unobserved by the astute old lady. He was disconcerted; 'overwhelmed' would better have described his feelings when she said: 'Miss Norman is sorry she can't see you to-day as she is making a visit; but she has given me a message for you, or rather a commission to discharge.

Why did you take out that second arrow?" Tell stopped fidgeting with his bow, and met the Governor's eye with a steady gaze. "Since you promise me my life, your Excellency," he replied, drawing himself up, "I will tell you." He drew the arrow from his belt and held it up. The crowd pressed forward, hanging on his words.

Still, one bird evidently outstripped his fellows, and in the race of life was two or three days in advance of them. His voice was loudest and his head oftenest at the window. But I noticed that, when he had kept the position too long, the others evidently made it uncomfortable in his rear, and, after "fidgeting" about awhile, he would be compelled to "back down."

But just as she was about to step on it, a fidgeting horse in front made a movement, the ladder slipped, and the lady was only just in time to withdraw her foot and save herself. Sir William Farrell, who had seen the little incident, ran forward, while the man who had been placing the ladder went to the horse, which was capering and trying to rear in his eagerness to be off.

"The fever speedily left her, as I told you, but she is weak and languid, and seems indisposed to talk." "She will soon get over that, my dear," Captain Dave said. "Girls are not like men. I have seen them on board ship. One day they are laughing and fidgeting about like wild things, the next day they are poor, woebegone creatures.

"You do the talking," Roy whispered at the door, and accordingly Sammy, after fidgeting in his seat a little, opened the subject. "Roy wants me to ask you," he began, and then stopped at a punch in the side from Roy's knuckles, and began again: "Me and Roy would like if it wouldn't be too much trouble, and you'd just as soon as not to have you tell us a horse story next time."

Germaine moved restlessly about the room, fidgeting with the bric-a-brac on the cabinets, shifting the pieces about, interrupting Sonia to ask whether she preferred this arrangement or that, throwing herself into a chair to read a magazine, getting up in a couple of minutes to straighten a picture on the wall, throwing out all the while idle questions not worth answering.