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Details from the Canadian contingent were constantly sent out to familiarize themselves with the vast waste of tunneled mountains denting the Austrian sky-line to the northward; and all day long Dominion reconnoitering parties wandered among valleys, alms, forest, and peaks in company sometimes with Italian alpinists, sometimes by themselves, prying, poking, snooping about with all the emotionless pertinacity of Teuton tourists preoccupied with wanderlust, kultur, and ewigkeit.

Parting notes were written from on board to all the most beloved; to little Paulina, of bright hopes, to Miss Neill of her cross; to Arthur the German greeting, 'Lebe wohl, doch nicht auf Ewigkeit, to Mr. Justice Coleridge: 'March 28, 1855. 'My dear Uncle, One line more to thank you for all your love and to pray for the blessing of God upon you and yours now and for ever. 'We sail to-day.

But a German professor of esthetik is not happy until he has discovered a trilogy and an inner life. Those found, he goes off with ponderous serenity into the ewigkeit. I have been asked, apropos of these articles, to give some advice as to the formation of Shakespeare clubs. The best thing that can be done about that matter is to let it alone entirely.

Or we find the man who has learned his bitter lesson, and recognising that he still exists albeit the beast is dead turns to the work he was meant to do, and does that nobly, though the mad and beautiful days of his youth have done, and all that caused life to be lovely has faded slowly into the ewigkeit.

A new work by Arthur Somervell was heard, and, though favourably received at first, like some other Festival compositions it seems now to have vanished into the ewigkeit. With regard to the Festival of 1900 just closed as these lines are being written I will say little. It has been financially successful, and perhaps that is the best that can be said of it.

Both of you are aware that two men have been arrested, and one is dead, and that all three were concerned in the attack on Mr. Hunter." "Yes," came the simultaneous answer. "I want you to forget names, except with regard to Lamotte, the chauffeur. Martiny and Rossi, for the time being, vanish into the Ewigkeit." "What forever?" Curtis could not help saying. "No, for a week or so."

Thus far we have heard nothing, so a forced landing on British ground is unlikely. For the rest, the pilot and observer may be killed, wounded, injured, or prisoners. All we know is that they flew into the Ewigkeit and are "missing."

Wenceslaus had a sister Anne, who married our Richard II. Anne was surely a very dear lady an expensive one, in fact for Richard had to pay eighty thousand golden guldens to Wenceslaus within a fortnight of Anne's landing in England, and had also lent the genial Bohemian King a further sum of twenty thousand golden guldens, which went away to the Ewigkeit at least England never saw them again.

At the wedding breakfast, Steingall made a speech. "Once," he said, "when the present happy event did not seem to be quite so easy of attainment as it looks to all of us now, my friend Mr. Curtis, playing upon a weakness of mine in the matter of literary allusions, suggested that I should substitute Niflheim for Ewigkeit as a simile.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, there entered a light yet mournful phrase in F major, which was almost a dance-rhythm, and seemed to be a small, frail pleading for something not rightly understood. Doch alle Lust will Ewigkeit, Will tiefe, tiefe Ewigkeit. The innocent little theme passed away, and the words were sung again to a stern and fateful close in D flat major.