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That would show them what a noble fellow he was. Elspeth would really benefit by his disappearance; he was running away for Elspeth's sake. And when he was great, which would be in a few years, he would come back for her. But no, he . The dash represents Tommy swithering once more, and he was at one or other end of the swither all day.

Ah, if only Tommy could always have remained a boy! Elspeth's marriage day came round, and I should like to linger in it, and show you Elspeth in her wedding-gown, and Tommy standing behind to catch her if she fainted, and Ailie weeping, and Aaron Latta rubbing his gleeful hands, and a smiling bridesmaid who had once thought she might be a bride.

Aaron is firmly convinced that I am too jealous of Elspeth's affection to give away a thimbleful of it. He blames me for preventing her caring much even for him." "At any rate," said Grizel, "he is on our side, and it is because he sees it would be so much the best thing for her." "And, at the same time, such a shock to me. That poor old man, Grizel!

But the Lady of Avenel, taking Mary in her hand, turned hastily away, and, walking into the hall, gave them no opportunity of remarking in what manner she received the child's communication, which she thus cut short. What Tibb thought of it appeared from her crossing herself repeatedly, and whispering into Elspeth's ear, "Saint Mary preserve us! the lassie has seen her father!"

"Oh, Tommy, have I not told you? I cried out, 'I'm his sister." Thus, owing to Elspeth's behaviour, it can never be known which was the passage quoted in the House; but we may be sure of one thing that it did the House good. That book did everybody good.

"We have a community of tastes, you see," he said, looking across at Margaret. "I also have a craving for sunshine, and I naturally come where I know it is to be found," and Lady Elspeth's eyes twinkled knowingly again. "It's a good conceit of myself I'll be getting, if you two go on like this." "I'm quite sure you will never think half as well of yourself as your friends do," said Graeme.

He ought to change places with me, cause I'd rather be a live girl any day than a norther which is what Gale wants to be and that is one reason I am going to keep a dairy as she may find it usful when she gets to be famus like St. Elspeth's sister Ester. I should not want to keep a dairy if I had to tend to it every day, but St.

I should like to see you in your butterfly garb, Miss Garston. I fancy, however, that I should not recognise you. With a sudden pang I remembered Elspeth's words. He does not think that such home attire will become me. I thought he preferred me in my usual nun's garb of black serge.

"You are quite sure that you mean that," she might ask timidly, "and that you are not flinging away your life on me?" "You are all I need," he answered cheerily, and he believed it. Or, if he was in another mood, he might reflect that perhaps he was abstaining from love for Elspeth's sake, and that made him cheery also.

But Lady Assynt's condition makes it probable that her stay may be somewhat prolonged. "I venture to hope that you may regret this as much as I do. All who enjoyed Lady Elspeth's friendship and hospitality cannot but miss her sorely. "I hope, however, that I may still have the pleasure of meeting you occasionally elsewhere.