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One day I whacked this leopard more than ushil, which elissited a remonstrance from a tall gentleman in spectacles, who said, "My good man, do not beat the poor caged animal. Rather fondle him." "I'll fondle him with a club," I anserd, hitting him another whack. "I prythy desist," said the gentleman; "stand aside, and see the effeck of kindness.

I should be on the look out for the infamus lise of the enemy, got up jest be4 elecshun for perlitical effeck. When all was over and my candydate was elected, I should move heving & erth so to speak until I got orfice, which if I didn't git a orfice I should turn round and abooze the Administration with all my mite and maine. But I'm not in the bizniss.

I cleared my throat and tremblin sed, "Betsy, you're a Gazelle." I thought that air was putty fine. I waitid to see what effeck it would hav upon her. It evidently didn't fetch her, for she up and sed, "You're a sheep!" Sez I, "Betsy, I think very muchly of you." "I don't b'leeve a word you say so there now cum!" with which obsarvashun she hitched away from me.

One day I whacked this leopard more than ushil, which elissited a remonstrance from a tall gentleman in spectacles, who said, "My good man, do not beat the poor caged animal. Rather fondle him." "I'll fondle him with a club," I ansered, hitting him another whack. "I prithy desist," said the gentleman; "stand aside, and see the effeck of kindness.

The Bear met with a wiolent death the next day, by bein in the way when a hevily loaded gun was fired off by one of my men. But you should hear my Essy which I wrote for the Social Science Meetins. It would have had a movin effeck on them. I feel that I must now conclood. I have read Earl Bright's speech at Leeds, and I hope we shall now hear from John Derby. I trust that not only they, but Wm.

Therefore, I must tell you, by writing instead of word of mouth, that, as my young Lord Evandale is called to the present campaign, both by his honour and his duty, he hath earnestly solicited me that the bonds of holy matrimony be knitted before his departure to the wars between you and him, in implement of the indenture formerly entered into for that effeck, whereuntill, as I see no raisonable objexion, so I trust that you, who have been always a good and obedient childe, will not devize any which has less than raison.

Then he wrote a short letter: "Deer Annie: I once more take my pen in hand to tell you there's grate news. I'm an ossifer. We had an awful fite yisterdy. I don't know how menny rebbles I kild, but I guess thare was enuff to start a good sized graveyard. I tuk a prizner, too, and the Kurnal says to me bully fer you, Mister Klegg, or sumthin to that effeck.

Therefore, I must tell you, by writing instead of word of mouth, that, as my young Lord Evandale is called to the present campaign, both by his honour and his duty, he hath earnestly solicited me that the bonds of holy matrimony be knitted before his departure to the wars between you and him, in implement of the indenture formerly entered into for that effeck, whereuntill, as I see no raisonable objexion, so I trust that you, who have been always a good and obedient childe, will not devize any which has less than raison.

Theres a artikil in the Constitooshun of the United States which sez in effeck that everybody may think just as he darn pleazes, & them is my sentiments to a hare. You dowtlis beleeve this Sperret doctrin while I think it is a little mixt.

"Of course," said Margaret, crossing the room and sitting down in a rocking-chair. "Of course. A man thinks every woman's good but his wife." "Had to break out, didn't you? Have I said you wan't good?" "Might as well say it as to act it." "How am I actin' it?" "By not lovin' me, that's how." "Not lovin' you. Have you got any postal-kyard or tillygram to that effeck? I ain't sent you no sich news.