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Updated: August 19, 2024

"I have no work for you to-day; you can go if you wish to." "And our our article?" "Oh, do not worry about it; I will correct the proofs. Do the rest to-morrow and come here at three o'clock as you did to-day." And after shaking hands, Duroy descended the staircase with a light heart. Georges Duroy did not sleep well, so anxious was he to see his article in print.

He was well satisfied with Duroy's use of the weapons, and told him to remain there and practice until noon, when he would return to take him to lunch and tell him the result of his mission. Left to his own devices, Duroy aimed at the target several times and then sat down to reflect. Such affairs were abominable anyway! What would a respectable man gain by risking his life?

Duroy took the gold-piece, called upon more friends, and by five o'clock had collected eighty francs. As he required two hundred more, he kept what he had begged and muttered: "I shall not worry about it. I will pay it when I can."

For details you can apply to Saint-Potin, who is posted; you will see him to-morrow. Above all, you must learn to make your way everywhere in spite of closed doors. You will receive two hundred francs a months, two sous a line for original matter, and two sous a line for articles you are ordered to write on different subjects." "What shall I do to-day?" asked Duroy.

After changing his five-franc piece Georges Duroy left the restaurant. He twisted his mustache in military style and cast a rapid, sweeping glance upon the diners, among whom were three saleswomen, an untidy music-teacher of uncertain age, and two women with their husbands. When he reached the sidewalk, he paused to consider what route he should take.

In answer to his urgent entreaty that she would express to him unreservedly any wish she might form, she said, as if thinking aloud: "Of course they buried poor Tulee among the negroes; but perhaps they buried the baby with Mr. and Mrs. Duroy, and inscribed something about him on the gravestone."

M. Walter has given me another position and the duties are very arduous." "I know, but that is no excuse for forgetting your friends." Their conversation was interrupted by the entrance of a large woman, decollette, with red arms, red cheeks, and attired in gay colors. As she was received with effusion, Duroy asked Mme. Forestier: "Who is that person?"

The article this morning was very successful." Duroy stammered: "No, I thought I should have time this afternoon. I had so much to do I could not." The other shrugged his shoulders. "If you are not more careful, you will spoil your future. M. Walter counted on your copy. I will tell him it will be ready to-morrow. If you think you will be paid for doing nothing, you are mistaken."

But Forestier persisted: "Come, we are losing time; you did not force your way into the house for the pleasure of bidding us good morning." Duroy, in confusion, replied: "No, it is this: I cannot complete my article, and you were so so kind the last time that I hoped that I dared to come " Forestier interrupted with: "So you think I will do your work and that you have only to take the money.

The meal was a long one, served in a truly rustic fashion. Father Duroy, enlivened by the cider and several glasses of wine, related many anecdotes, while Georges, to whom they were all familiar, laughed at them. Mother Duroy did not speak, but sat at the board, grim and austere, glancing at her daughter-in-law with hatred in her heart. Madeleine did not speak nor did she eat; she was depressed.

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