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Updated: August 1, 2024

And yet, notwithstanding all this, and a pistol tinder-box which was moreover filch'd from me at Sienna, and twice that I pay'd five Pauls for two hard eggs, once at Raddicoffini, and a second time at Capua I do not think a journey through France and Italy, provided a man keeps his temper all the way, so bad a thing as some people would make you believe: there must be ups and downs, or how the duce should we get into vallies where Nature spreads so many tables of entertainment.

The Puritan spirit of New England had much influence in organising an expedition, and whose flag had a motto suggested by the Methodist revivalist, Whitfield: "Nil desperandum Christo duce." The story of the success of the New England troops, in conjunction with the small English fleet, under the command of Commodore Warren, has been often told, and we need not dwell on its details.

Herbert C. Duce, thought I had lost all track of time and was going to need the gavel, to his surprise, just as my last second expired I turned to Darrow and asked a minute's grace to quote from Tennyson, which Darrow gave with a promptness that scored heavily with the audience. For some days before a debate I take care that my pocketbook is well supplied with postage stamps.

Maxima! said my uncle Toby low to himself, as we turn'd from her tomb: She was one of the fairest and most beautiful ladies either of Italy or France, continued the sacristan But who the duce has got lain down here, besides her? quoth my father, pointing with his cane to a large tomb as we walked on It is Saint Optat, Sir, answered the sacristan And properly is Saint Optat plac'd! said my father: And what is Saint Optat's story? continued he.

The Duce of Fascism once chose to discuss the theme of "Force or consent?"; and he concluded that the two terms are inseparable, that the one implies the other and cannot exist apart from the other; that, in other words, the authority of the State and the freedom of the citizen constitute a continuous circle wherein authority presupposes liberty and liberty authority.

The sum of his history may be comprised in this one sentence Haec, sab numine, nobismet fecimas, sapientia duce, fortune permittente. Ah! how could I be otherwise than affected by whatever reminded me of that daily and familiar intercourse with him, which made the fifteen months from May, 1804, to October, 1805, in many respects the most memorable and instructive period of my life?

Never was a girl so untouched by thought, or Art yet not stupid, having, seemingly, a certain natural good taste; only, nothing, evidently, had come her way. How could it 'Johnny Dromore duce, et auspice Johnny Dromore! She had been taken, indeed, to the National Gallery while at school.

Ita facile in rerum abundantiâ ad orationis ornamenta, sine duce, naturâ ipsâ, si modo est exercitata, labetur. De Or. iii. 31. These remarks lead to another suggestion which deserves the student's consideration. He should select for this exercise those subjects in which he feels an interest at the time, and in regard to which he desires to engage the interest of others.

At his back is slung an axe, wherewith he goes to hew down the carved altars and idolatrous images in the Popish churches; and over his head he rears a banner, which, as the wind unfolds it, displays the motto given by Whitefield, Christo Duce, in letters red as blood.

Hence the need of the Party, and of all the instruments of propaganda and education which Fascism uses to make the thought and will of the Duce the thought and will of the masses. Hence the enormous task which Fascism sets itself in trying to bring the whole mass of the people, beginning with the little children, inside the fold of the Party.

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