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To-day the king sent his pages to announce his intention of holding a levee in my honour. I prepared for my first presentation at court, attired in my best, though in it I cut a poor figure in comparison with the display of the dressy Waganda.

It happened that at the extremest point of Ann Veronica's social circle from the Widgetts was the family of the Morningside Park horse-dealer, a company of extremely dressy and hilarious young women, with one equestrian brother addicted to fancy waistcoats, cigars, and facial spots.

Surely no other man in the whole southward-bound Canadian train could have been at once so ingenuous and so nonchalant. There was nothing dressy, however, about the Young Electrician.

And then I never can tell what you are thinking about." "Do you wish to know what I'm thinking about just now?" "Yes." "I am wondering why you wear high-heeled, gold-beaded slippers in the morning." Bobby thrust forth two dainty feet and contemplated them in surprise. "What's wrong with them?" she asked. "Rather dressy for the morning, aren't they?" he gently suggested.

"Why, Tim, you must have on complete store clothes dear, oh, dear to think of Tim Hope gittin' so fine and dressy! Now had it 'a' been Mark I wouldn't 'a' been so took back, for he allus was uppy and big feelin'. But Tim!" Mrs. Bolum shook her head and held her hands up in astonishment. "And how is Mr. Bolum?" shouted Tim.

Yet, here is the fact of the lighted chamber, the dressy greedy company, the small, self-interested palaver, the disorganized, aimless, wandering mental action which it represents-the love of light and show and finery which, to one outside, under the serene light of the eternal stars, and sweeping night winds, what a lamp-flower it must bloom; a strange, glittering night-flower, yielding-yielding, insect-drawing, insect-infested rose of pleasure.

Yet, here is the fact of the lighted chamber, the dressy, greedy company, the small, self-interested palaver, the disorganized, aimless, wandering mental action which it represents the love of light and show and finery which, to one outside, under the serene light of the eternal stars, must seem a strange and shiny thing.

He kept a horse and neat trap, had his wife and two children, who were well established in a neat house on the North Side near Lincoln Park, and was altogether a very acceptable individual of our great American upper class the first grade below the luxuriously rich. Hurstwood liked Drouet. The latter's genial nature and dressy appearance pleased him.

A parting, of geometrical precision, at the back of the head was often affected by men of dressy habits, who sometimes also wore a carefully arranged curl at the front; and manly locks, if luxuriant enough, were not infrequently permitted to fall in careless profusion over the collar of the coat. Of the family album I would rather not speak. It is scarcely yet extinct.

Carriage dress may be gayer in colors, and more dressy in style of cut and trimmings. When a party of ladies attend the theatre, unaccompanied by a male escort, or with no conveyance but the street-car, ordinary walking costume, with quiet bonnets or hats, is correct style. Box parties, presumably arriving in carriages, may dress as prettily as they choose, subject to the general laws of taste.