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Updated: August 13, 2024

Gone, too, not only from Whittlesea but from the whole world, is that most exquisite of English butterflies, Lycaena dispar the great copper; and many a curious insect more. Ah, well, at least we shall have wheat and mutton instead, and no more typhus and ague; and, it is to be hoped, no more brandy-drinking and opium-eating; and children will live and not die.

Tragops dispar, sexual difference in the colour of. Training, effect of, on the mental difference between the sexes of man. Transfer of male characters to female birds. Transmission, equal, of ornamental characters, to both sexes in mammals. Traps, avoidance of, by animals; use of. Treachery, to comrades, avoidance of, by savages. Tremex columbae. Tribes, extinct; extinction of.

In Lepidoptera among insects the evidence concerning castration tends to prove that hormones from the gonads play no part at all in the development of somatic sexual characters. Exper. Zool. Oudemans had previously obtained the same result in the Gipsy Moth, Limantria dispar.

Grassi exposed in his laboratory a plate containing a great number of the eggs of a human parasite, the Tricocephalus dispar. Some sheets of white paper were placed in the kitchen, which stands about ten meters from the laboratory. After some hours, the usual little spots produced by the fæces of flies were found on the paper.

Even Lord Bacon says, that, by comparison with Julius Caesar, he was "non tam impar quam dispar," surely a most extravagant encomium, applied to whomsoever. It is, however, some balance to this, that Shakspeare had a just conception of the original grandeur which lay beneath that wild tempestuous nature presented by Anthony to the eye of the undiscriminating world.

In the Tragops dispar of the same country the male is bright green, and the female bronze-coloured. Dr. The colours of certain species are very different in the adult and young states. Dr. As the males of most animals search for the females, these odoriferous glands probably serve to excite or charm the female, rather than to guide her to the spot where the male may be found.

In these, I say, and these only, scandalum quod oritur ex rebus per se bonis et necessariis, non licet evitare, &c., at rerum legitimarum sed non necessariarum dispar est ratio, &c., saith a great Formalist. 12th.

There seems to be something almost contradictory in representing the highest and purest emotions of the mind by images drawn from the lowest and most animal passions. "Ut matrona meretrici dispar erit atque discolor." So must also Vaish.navism differ from true religion, the flesh from the spirit, the impure from the pure.

For instance, I observe in my son's cabinet that the males are darker than the females in the Lasiocampa quercus, Odonestis potatoria, Hypogymna dispar, Dasychira pudibunda, and Cycnia mendica. In this latter species the difference in colour between the two sexes is strongly marked; and Mr.

It would be an endless task to consider comedy in the same light, and to mention the innumerable shifts that small wits put in practice to raise a laugh. Sometimes the wit of a scene lies in a shoulder-belt, and sometimes in a pair of whiskers. No. 338. "Nil fuit unquam Sic dispar sibi." "Made up of nought but inconsistencies." I find the tragedy of the "Distressed Mother" is published to-day.

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