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Updated: November 5, 2024

It was interesting to notice the gradual increase of vegetation during the descent. The Senecio Christhenifolius grows at the elevation of 8,830 feet, the Juniperus Communis commences at 6,800. Then follow the Pinus Sylv., Betula Alba, Quercus Robur, and the Fagus Sylvaticus. The olive is seen at the altitude of 3,000 feet, and the vines flourish as high as 5,000 feet. United Service Journal.

This is now a prevalent opinion, which is strengthened by the fact that so many more Himalayan plants are now ascertained to be European than had been supposed before they were compared with European specimens; such are the yew, Juniperus communis, Berberis vulgaris, Quercus Ballota, Populus alba and Euphratica, etc.

A dwarf variety of this tree, called the Paradise Apple, is used for stocks for making dwarf apple trees for gardens. The juice of the Crab is called verjuice, which is in considerable demand for medicinal and other purposes. QUERCUS robur. THE OAK. Is a well known tree peculiar to Great Britain, and of the greatest interest to us as a nation.

This is a young tree, with a future before it, if barbarians do not meddle with it, more conspicuous for its spread than its circumference, stretching not very far from a hundred feet from bough-end to bough-end. I do not think I saw a specimen of the British Quercus robur of such consummate beauty.

How much more rational the suggestion of Professor Agassiz that these trees the entire family of sequoias were quite as numerous in individual varieties at first as now, and that the fruit of the one can never bear the fruit of the other. Again, take the still hardier and more numerous branches of the Quercus or oak family.

Lartet, E., comparison of cranial capacities of skulls of recent and tertiary mammals; on the size of the brain in mammals; on Dryopithecus; on pre-historic flutes. Larus, seasonal change of plumage in. Larva, luminous, of a Brazilian beetle. Larynx, muscles of the, in songbirds. Lasiocampa quercus, attraction of males by the female; sexual difference of colour in.

Before many weeks have passed, some of the tall fir-trees are cut down, and a new house is built, this time safely perched on top of the cliff; and, so far as I know, the Frost Giants have never succeeded in touching it. Quercus Alba lay on the ground, looking up at the sky.

Just as we come to know them better, intermediate forms flow in, and doubts as to specific limits augment." He also adds that it is the best known species which present the greatest number of spontaneous varieties and sub-varieties. Thus Quercus robur has twenty-eight varieties, all of which, excepting six, are clustered round three sub-species, namely Q. pedunculata, sessiliflora and pubescens.

For instance, I observe in my son's cabinet that the males are darker than the females in the Lasiocampa quercus, Odonestis potatoria, Hypogymna dispar, Dasychira pudibunda, and Cycnia mendica. In this latter species the difference in colour between the two sexes is strongly marked; and Mr.

Quercus Robur offers a familiar illustration of the manner in which one form may in the course of time become separated into two or more distinct ones. To Linnaeus this common oak of Europe was all of one species. But of late years the greater number of European botanists have regarded it as including three species, Q. pedunculata, Q. sessiliflora, and Q. pubescens.

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