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Samuel Vernon set out with his dog, Dingo, to explore the center of Africa, guided by Negoro. The money which he carried had excited the wretch's cupidity, and he resolved to take possession of it. The French traveler, arrived at this point of the Congo's banks, had established his camp in this hut. There he was mortally wounded, robbed, abandoned.

While these preparations were going on, a messenger arrived at the factory of King Dingo Bingo, who brought with him a report that put his majesty into the most terrible state of uneasiness and alarm, and also produced a very similar effect upon the skipper of the Pandora. The messenger, or messengers for there were three of them were negroes, of course.

Then, all at once, turning to the old black: "Tom," he asked, "have you not told me that this dog only belonged to the captain of the 'Waldeck' for a short time?" "In fact, sir," replied Tom, "Dingo was only on board two years at the most." "And have you not added that the captain of the 'Waldeck' had picked up this dog on the western coast of Africa?"

"Ah! this time it shall not escape me!" replied Negoro. Dingo was going to jump upon him, when Negoro, seizing Harris's gun, quickly put it to his shoulder and fired. A long howl of pain replied to the detonation, and Dingo disappeared between the double row of bushes that bordered the brook. Negoro descended at once to the bottom of the bank.

"Could Dingo have followed Harris?" asked Tom. "Harris? No," replied Dick Sand; "but he may have put himself on Negoro's scent. He felt him in our steps." "This cook of misfortune would quickly end him with a ball!" cried Hercules. "Provided Dingo did not first strangle him," replied Bat. "Perhaps so," replied the young novice. "But we cannot wait for Dingo's return.

But Dingo, having perceived the master-cook, began to show signs of the most extreme fury. Negoro returned immediately to the crew's quarters, not without a menacing gesture at the dog's skill having escaped him. "There is some mystery there," murmured Captain Hull, who had lost none of this little scene.

Since the news sent to Dick Sand, they had heard no one mention either Hercules or Dingo. Should they envy him his fate? Why, yes; for if Hercules were dead, he was saved from the chains of slavery! Meanwhile, the sale had commenced. Alvez's agents marched the various lots of men, women and children through the crowd, without caring if they separated mothers from their infants.

It may be imagined that Finn's wrath was not lessened, but his blind rage was, and he pulled himself together with a jerk, a cold determination to kill cooling his brain like water. This time he allowed the dingo to rush him, which the beast did with admirable dexterity, aiming low for the legs. Finn plunged for the back of the dingo's neck, and missed by the breadth of two hairs.

For a moment the dingo hound seemed daunted by her bravery, and paused a little way off, panting, with its great tongue lolling out of its mouth. Dot could see its sharp, wicked teeth gleaming in the moonlight.

From the hospitable manner in which he began his treatment of me, I really had thought, that if I continued to please him, he would give me an easy life of it. I had heard of such cases, where white men had become the favourites of negro princes, and had been placed in offices of high trust; and, perhaps, such would have been my destiny, had I remained with King Dingo Bingo.