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And so by degrees the gathered experience, good and ill, of "the greatest of all placer diggin's" flowed by the idler on the bank. "You seem to have a lot to do," Seymour would now and then say with a laugh. "So I have." "What do you call it?" "Takin' stock." "Of us?" "Of things in general."

"You soon will be," replied Merwyn, with his reckless and misleading laugh. "My course is down Broadway to Bleecker Street and then west. I can show you as pretty a lot of fellows as you'll want to see, and most of us are armed." "All roight. Broadway suits me. I want to see if the coast is clear." "So do I, and what the cops are about in these diggin's.

It's jest the thing for the West; we'll walk through the Injins in the tallest kind of style, and skear 'em beautiful. How long afore you'll have it done? 'It will take a month longer, at least. Baldy stood a few minutes in thought. 'See here, younker, we're on our way to the 'diggin's, and spect to be thar all summer.

Caribou Sol carried the news to the Radhurst cabin. "They're 'bout wild down yon," he said. "Fairly tumblin' over one another with excitement." "Why, what's the matter?" questioned Constance. "Afeered of Injuns, that's what's the matter. An' they've good reason to fear, too. If somethin' isn't done afore them natives come back, there'll be lively times around these diggin's."

"These mean pilferers have become a perfect pest at the diggin's, an' we intend to stop their little game, we do, by stoppin' their windpipes when we catch them. Come, don't shilly-shally any longer, Paul Bevan. He's here, and no mistake, so you'd better hand him over. Besides, you owe us something, you know, for coming to your help agin the redskins in the nick of time."

"I've found some gold I've panned out half a sackful. We haven't been here long. Wasn't seasick a bit scarcely. These are the Shirt-tail diggin's," replied Charley. "What kind of time did you have? Did you kill any Injuns? Do you have to go on? Why don't you stop now and mine? Is this all your crowd? Did you have a lot of fun? Do you want me to show you how to pan?"

"Wal," and the shifting eyes fixed themselves for a few brief moments on the ground in front of the big feet, "it happened like this. Me an' my pard, Spike, thar," and he nodded toward his companion, "was on our way from San Francisco tew Sacramento City an' th' diggin's a-hossback.

You ought to see our president put up his pile and draw to a pair of deuces. What! a Reverend! I beg your pardon, friend. 'S all right. Jest name the game you're strong at and we'll try to accommodate you later on. Here, you fellows, watch my chips while I show the Reverend around our diggin's.

Generally three or four combined to possess a 'claim. Each would then attend to his own department: one loosened the soil, another filled the barrow or cart, a third carried it to the river, and the fourth would wash it in the 'rocker. The average weight of gold got by each miner while we were at the 'wet diggin's, I.E. where water had to be used, was nearly half an ounce or seven dollars' worth a day.

He knows these diggin's better'n any o' us; an' he oughter know whur to cacher, I reckin. He's did that, I'll be boun'." "Ay, if he would," said I, thinking that Seguin might have followed the captives, and thrown away his life recklessly. "Don't be skeert about him, young fellur. The cap ain't a-gwine to put his fingers into a bee's nest whur thur's no honey; he ain't."